
Haindavi - Hadoop Developer
[email protected]
Location: Frisco, Texas, USA
Relocation: Onsite in Texas, Remote in other locations
Visa: H1B
Over 10+ years of IT experience in designing and developing big data applications using Apache Hadoop, HDFS, MapReduce, HBase, Hive, Oozie, Tez, Yarn, Sqoop and Spark.
Extensive experience with analysis, design, development, customizations and implementation of Big Data and Data warehousing applications.
Proficient in analyzing and translating business requirements to technical requirements and architecture.
Good exposure to Proof of Concept (POC) design and solution designing and architecture design.
Good leadership abilities, multi-tasking, excellent interpersonal, analytical skills, self-motivated, quick learner, team player, and vendor management
Actively involved in all phases of software development life cycle including functional specifications, prototypes and documentation. Worked effectively in agile software development environment.
Experience in writing system specifications, translating user requirements to technical specifications.
Expertise in developing Spark SQL and batch applications for big data pipelines using HBase, Hive, Avro, parquet.
Work experience in solving BIG DATA problems using Apache Hadoop (YARN, MapReduce, HDFS) and Ecosystems (Apache HBase, Hive, PIG Latin, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, Spark, Avro, Zookeeper).
Hands on experience in writing Hive Query Language and optimizing hive queries.
Experience working on NoSQL databases like HBase.
Developed MapReduce programs in Java, Queries in Hive (HQL) and UDF s in Core Java.
Experience in creating spark applications in both Scala and Python Context.
Actively Worked in Sqoop to move Structured Data from multiple databases to HDFS.
Expertise in writing MapReduce programs in Java, PIG Latin, HQL, Shell scripting, SQL, PL/SQL, Core Java.
Working knowledge in setting up Hadoop (pseudo-distributed and Multi Node) Cluster and configuring cluster properties.
Experience in implementing ETL/ELT processes with MapReduce, PIG, Hive.
Experience in creation of Database objects like Stored Procedures, Functions and Triggers in database languages like PL/SQL, PostgreSQL.
Experience in performance tuning, SQL Tuning, partitioning the data and creation of indexes for faster database access and better query performance.
Experience in Oozie and workflow scheduler to manage Hadoop jobs by Direct Acyclic Graph (DAG) of actions with control flows.
Experience in Importing and exporting data from different databases like MySQL, RDBMS into HDFS and HBASE using Sqoop.
Experience in Performance Tuning, Backup and Recovery process, and product support on various platforms. SQL Tuning and creation of indexes for faster database access and better query performance.
Working knowledge on Crontab for Batch scheduling.
Experience in optimizing queries for maximum throughput, benchmarking, providing Proof of concept for Enterprise architects.
Working experience in Map Reduce programming model and Hadoop Distributed File System.
Strong technical and architectural knowledge in solution development.
Effective in working independently and collaboratively in teams.
Good analytical, communication, problem solving and interpersonal skills.
Flexible and ready to take on new challenges.
Self-starter and team player, capable of working independently and motivating a team of professionals.


Big Data Stack Spark, HBase, Hive, Sqoop, Flume, Hadoop, HDFS, Mapreduce, YARN, PIG Latin, Oozie, Avro, Parquet, Zookeeper, Hue.
Programming Languages Core Java, Unix shell scripting, SQL, PL/SQL, HQL
RDBMS Oracle 10g/9i/8i, MySQL, SQL server, Teradata
Automation Crontab
Server Tools WINSCP, SSH, Putty
Operating System Windows 95/98/2000/XP, Windows NT, MS-DOS, UNIX, LINUX
Others Eclipse, JDK 1.7/1.8, Oracle SQL Developer, TOAD, ODBC, HTML, Service NOW


MCA from JNTU in 2011
BSC from OU in 2008

Client: CBRE May 2022 March 2024
Role: Senior Software Engineer


Gather functional requirements by analyzing the use cases to ingest data from variety of sources in streaming as well as in batch mode to create Hadoop Data Lake.
Build the Modern Data Architecture (MDA) Pipeline using appropriate Hadoop technologies that best fits the use case ensuring performance.
Build code to create the workflows, instrumentation and audit as per business requirements to avoid Data Loss / Data Duplication and to improve Data Accuracy.
Build Connectors API to import and export bulk data from databases and other systems.
Integrate data from different sources to provide unified view of the combined data to users.
Create file Watcher to continuously look for any new legacy files from Members in Local File system and move to MDA SFTP structure.
Actively worked in Hive for data warehousing, cleansing data, generating reports and adhoc historic reports.
Created Managed/External tables in Hive and tuned performance of the HQLs by creating partitions and buckets on Hive tables.
Optimizing Hive Queries to improve performance.
Load the data into HBase tables for UI web application.
Designed and created Hive external tables using shared meta-store instead of derby with partitioning, dynamic partitioning, and buckets.
Building scripts to Monitor System health and logs and respond accordingly to any warning or failure conditions.
Develop Parser code to Parse Member files into unified format (Parquet) based on the metadata stored in SQL Server and egress parsed data (Parquet) to HDFS.
Build Service to load Historical data to MDA Data Lake.
Build Sqoop Scripts to copy data from RDBMS to HDFS and vice versa.
Build Hive User Defined Functions (UDF), User Defined Aggregated Functions (UDAF) and User Defined Tabular Functions (UDTF).
Implement Tool to generate reports by comparing Legacy Output Data with MDA Output Data.
Build big data batch data processing pipelines to Extract, Load, Validate and Transform data with high processing speed by taking advantage of Spark in-memory Computation.

Environment: MapR, Hadoop 2.1, HDP 3.x, CDP 7.x, HDFS, Spark, Hive, Sqoop, Shell Scripts.

Client: OPTUM (United Health Group) Aug 2016 May 2022
Role: Senior Software Engineer


Importing and exporting data from MySQL into HDFS using Sqoop as flat files into HDFS.
Building HiveQL scripts to create tables, load data and query tables in a Hive.
Used Spark SQL to create Data frame from Hive data, applied transformations based on business logic, loaded data back to Hive tables/Views. Also, Used Spark SQL to process JSON files from ingestion, register them as temp tables and loaded data to Hive tables/views.
Created Hive external tables to read the persisted HBase tables using HBase SerDe properties.
Created Hive views on top of HBase table (single column family, different qualifier) which has different data model versions.
Expertise in developing spark batch applications to transform data from Hive/HBase and write it back to Hive tables for reporting layer consumption.
Worked in Analyzing/solving BIG DATA problems using Apache Hadoop (MapReduce, HDFS) and Ecosystems (Hive, PIG Latin, Sqoop, Flume, Oozie, Spark, Avro, Zookeeper).
Actively Worked in Sqoop to Import/Export RDBMS Data from multiple databases (Oracle and MySQL) to HDFS/Hive. Used Sqoop's Import-all-tables for the initial table creation and import from RDBMS to HDFS/Hive.
Created and scheduled Sqoop batch jobs to incrementally import/export on daily basis.
Tuned performance of Sqoop imports by using option boundry-query and by increasing number of mappers.
Actively worked in Hive/PIG for data warehousing, cleansing data, generating reports and adhoc historic reports.
Created Managed/External tables in Hive and tuned performance of the HQLs by creating partitions and buckets on Hive tables.
Optimizing Hive Queries to improve performance.
Load the data into HBase tables for UI web application.
Designed and created Hive external tables using shared meta-store instead of derby with partitioning, dynamic partitioning, and buckets.
Building scripts to Monitor System health and logs and respond accordingly to any warning or failure conditions.
Worked on Big Data Integration and Analytics based on Hadoop and Elasticsearch.
Run various Hive queries on the data dumps and generate aggregated datasets for downstream systems for further analysis.
Worked on writing code for validating the data exported from the traditional databases and the Hive using Sqoop.
Worked on moving the data from HDFS to Object Storage (Clever Safe).

Environment: MapR, Hadoop 2.1, HDFS, Spark, Hive, Sqoop, Shell Scripts.
Client: INTERAKT Digital Solutions Pvt Ltd June 2014 Aug 2016
Role: Hadoop Developer


Involved in loading data from UNIX file system to HDFS.
Involved in creating Hive tables, loading with data and writing hive queries which will run internally in map reduce way.
Worked on writing Hive Queries.
Worked on Hive Query optimization by setting different queue.
Run various Hive queries on the data dumps and generate aggregated datasets for downstream systems for further analysis.
Migrating the needed data from MySQL into HDFS using Sqoop and importing various formats of flat files into HDFS.
Load the data into HBase tables for UI web application.
Maintain System integrity of all sub-components related to Hadoop.
Designed and created Hive external tables using shared meta-store instead of derby with partitioning, dynamic partitioning and buckets.
HiveQL scripts to create, load, and query tables in a Hive.
Monitored System health and logs and respond accordingly to any warning or failure conditions.
Worked on Big Data Integration and Analytics based on Hadoop and Solr.
Importing and exporting data from different databases like MySQL, RDBMS into HDFS and HBASE using Sqoop.
Worked on indexing the HBase tables using Solr and indexing the Json data and Nested data.
Worked on taking Snapshot backups for HBase tables.
Worked on fixing the cluster issues.
Involved in Region split and major compaction manually in HBase.
Importing and exporting data from different databases like MySQL, RDBMS into HDFS and HBASE using Sqoop.
Involved in writing Hive queries for Modules (Algorithms).

Environment: Hortonworks Hadoop 2.1 and HDP 2.3, HDFS, Hive, Map Reduce, HBase, Pig, Sqoop, Shell Scripts, Oozie Co-coordinator, Solr.

Client: iGrid Technologies Jan 2013 - June 2014
Role: Hadoop Developer


Importing T-Mobile telco data from oracle database using sqoop.
Building HiveQL scripts to process the data based on the client requirement
Maintained System integrity of all sub-components (primarily HDFS, Hive).
Integrated the hive warehouse with HBase
Load the data into HBase tables for UI web application.
Designed and created Hive external tables using shared meta-store instead of derby with partitioning, dynamic partitioning, and buckets.
Monitored System health and logs and respond accordingly to any warning or failure conditions.
Involved to load the data into Hadoop distributed file system (HDFS).
Involved to create tables in HIVE and writing hive queries on the data.
Involved load the output data into HBase database.
Involved in load data to HDFS and Hbase using Sqoop.
Involved in configuring Hive queries in Oozie scheduler.

Environment: Hadoop, MapReduce, HDFS, Hive, Java, SQL, Pig, Sqoop, Oozie, ZooKeeper, MySQL HBase

Client: iGrid Technologies Jan 2012 Dec 2012
Role: Software Developer


Designed Entegrate Screens with Java Swings for displaying the transactions.
Involved in the development of code for connecting to database using JDBC with the help of Oracle JDevelper 9i.
Involved in the development of database coding including Procedures, Triggers in Oracle.
Worked as Research Assistant and a Development Team Member
Coordinated with Business Analysts to gather the requirement and prepare data flow diagrams and technical documents.
Identified Use Cases and generated Class, Sequence and State diagrams using UML.
Used JMS for the asynchronous exchange of critical business data and events among J2EE components and legacy system.
Worked in Designing, coding and maintaining of Entity Beans and Session Beans using EJB 2.1 Specification.
Worked in the development of Web Interface using MVC Struts Framework.
User Interface was developed using JSP and tags, HTML and Java Script.
Database connection was made using properties files.
Used Session Filter for implementing timeout for ideal users.
Used Stored Procedure to interact with database.
Development of Persistence was done using Hibernate Framework.
Used Log4j for logging.

Environment: Java EE 6, Eclipse 4.2, Oracle 11g/SQL
Keywords: user interface information technology microsoft procedural language Colorado

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