
Razia sheik - Android developer
[email protected]
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
Relocation: No
Visa: H4EAD
Razia Shaik
[email protected]
81/2 years of experience in Java, Kotlin and Android application development.
Experience in developing apps including the Design, Development and Testing Smartphone, tablet and Tv devices. Developed and architected multiple Android applications across various versions.
Extensively involved in almost every stage of application development right from collecting requirements, providing guidelines for design, creating application architecture, implementation that includes various stages in development, QA, code signing and releasing to Market.
Experience in Native Components of Android applications: Activities, Services, Broadcast Receiver, Content Provider, Web Services, Fragments and Support Libraries to create high quality and stable applications.
Experience in Android UI toolkit, Material design and Layout Managers. Proficient in Android application framework. Experienced with Android SDK tools.
Proficient in Android applications development involving Notifications, Adapters, Content Provider, Services and Telephony Manager.
Worked with databases like SQLite, MySQL and SQL.
Experience in working with web technologies like HTML5, XHTML, CSS, Ajax, Jquery and JavaScript.
Implemented Reactive Programming as an API for database access, UI computation and network access.
Able handling JSON and XML HTTP requests from web services and parsing responses using native implementations and third-party libraries like dojo.
Extensively worked on memory leaks using DDMS and MAT.
Worked on push notifications, multiple screen support.
Expertise in Android application development using Eclipse IDE, Android SDK, Android emulator and ADT plug-in
Expertise in Object Oriented Architecture, Design and Programming from design to implementation.
Expertise in Data Structure, Multithreading, Collections, Exception handling and Serialization.
Experience in working with Google Maps API, GPS Location Data, Google Play Services API, Google Analytics, Firebase, Google Cloud Messaging API, Location Manager and Notification Manager.
Worked with tools like POSTMAN and REST Service client for interacting with HTTP API.
Created enterprise architecture/business functionality using Java, design pattern and OOPs concepts.
Skilled in developing APIs for middleware Framework modules for mobile platforms using C, C++ and Java.
Worked with different Android SDK and NDK for implementing various native apps.
Knowledge in working with ADB, Logcat, and event logs.
Have hands-on experience in the complete project life cycle, with domain knowledge in Mobile Application Development and Web application development.
Knowledge of project life cycle for web applications using various methodologies such as Waterfall model, Agile Scrum Model and Agile XP.
Experience in using Design Patterns like MVC, MVP, MVVM and Object Oriented Methodologies to design software for mobile phones.
Experienced in working on Agile operations process and tools area (Code review, unit test automation, Build & Release automation, Environment, Service, Incident and Change Management).
Experience in Quality Assurance testing using Unit testing, functional testing and performance testing.
Experience performance tuning and optimization.
Experience in designing automation frameworks for Junit testing.
Experience in architecture design, development and implementation of software applications and testing, worked with Layered architecture.
Familiar with integration of third party libraries like Retrofit, FB, Twitter etc.
Highly capable in handling multiple tasks, prioritizing, and meeting deadlines.
Quick learner, excellent analytical, design and problem solving skills.
A self-driven, goal oriented, customer focused software professional with proven ability to successfully work in all phases of Software development life cycle.

Languages C, C++, Java, Android 2.3 and above, JavaScript, JSON, JQuery, Node.js, Bootstrap.js
Databases SQL, SQLite 3.6, MySQL 4.0/5.0/5.5, Oracle 9i/10g,11g, DB2
Web Servers/ Application Servers Tomcat 6.0/7.0 Apache HTTP Server, Amazon Web Server, IBM WebSphere 6.0
Web Services/ Web Technologies JSON, XML, HTTP, REST, SOAP, HTML5, CSS, JQuery, Phone Gap, AJAX, AWS
Version Control Tools Subversion(SVN), GIT, JIRA, SourceTree, Bitbucket
RAD Tools Android Studio 2.2 to 7.0, Eclipse 3.x,4.x, NetBeans 5.x/6.x, DDMS, Logcat, JUnit, TestNG
Scripting Languages JavaScript, JQuery.
Methodologies Waterfall and Agile/Scrum models
Operating System Windows98/XP/7/10, Android Linux, Blackberry, IOS

Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Computer Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah University, India. April 2014
Masters in Computer Science, FDU, NJ Dec 2016


Senior Android Developer
Universal Studios, Orlando, Florida Sep 2021 Present
Universal Studios, Orlando is the app that helps its users provide different park details with map and park hours. One can find all the information about different rides, shows and can purchase tickets using the app. I have worked on main features of the app like Maps POI and Game hub Games.
Interacted with business and development teams to analyze the user requirements.
Strong experience with Android Frameworks such as JNI and HAL for application development.
Followed MVVM with MVI architecture for the design of the application. Also we used Jetpack components like Jetpack Compose, AppCompact, Jetpack ViewModel and Jetpack LiveData for managing UI.
Creating various views, ViewComponents, Kotlin Flows and developed UI using Jetpack Compose
Worked with the Web Services team to implement Restful API s using coroutines.
Used Picasso for image caching and Jetpack Room DB for data caching and maintaining offline data storage.
Used navigation architecture to maintain the UI stack.
Developed the app using the Google Play Services APIs like Map Services, Location Services for directions and places of parks in the app.
Experience in using RxJava and Coroutines to perform API implementation.
Used Dagger 2 as a dependency injector.
Experience using debugging tools such as DDMS, Logcat and android device monitor.
Used Adobe SDK for tracking App Analytics.
Tested UI of the application using Espresso
Used Junit and Mockito for unit testing.
Used Charles Proxy for mocking API responses for troubleshooting.
Used Firebase Crashlytics to track production logs.
Used GIT for version control and Jenkins as CICD pipeline.
Tested the app across various versions of android and different android mobile devices to assure quality and performance.

Environment: Android Studio, Kotlin, Coroutines, Retrofit, MVVM architecture, Junit, RxJava, GitHub, Charles proxy, POSTMAN, Adobe SDK, Android SDK, Jetpack Compose.
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details id=com.universalstudios.orlandoresort

Lead Android Developer
Beach Body April 2021 Sep 2021
Beachbody is an American fitness and media company based in Santa Monica, California. As a senior android developer, I am working on developing security features like TwoWayDM, Feature Favoriting and File enhancements.
Followed Test Driven methodology(TDD) and worked closely with the Product team to understand the business requirement and developed into a functional design.
Design, develop and implement security features using Kotlin, MVVM architecture, Retrofit.
Designing UI layout using Relative Layout, Linear Layout, Table Layout, Frame Layout and using custom Widgets and Android Widgets.
Used Jetpack Paging for loading data from data source as per required.
Used Material Design library for development of user interfaces using Kotlin for View Binding.
Implemented GetStream SDK as a chatting server for our application.
Implemented Kotlin coroutines for service layer API calls.
Worked with Realm for maintaining an offline database.
Performed Unit testing using Junit on various Android Devices and conducted product integration.
Experience doing performance testing and deploying app to Android Tv.
Implemented Firebase SDK for logging Firebase crash analytics and Adobe SDK for tagging/measurements.
Identified the logic in applications using Android Studio IDE and Android SDK.
Worked with Gradle for build and debugging.
Worked with version control tools like Source tree and source code repository Github.
Used Azure as CI/CD for continuous integration.
Updated and tested Cordova client acceptance test.
Responsible for creating system procedures and ensuring that the developed applications and features functions as expected.
Maintain and modify programs as required and make approved changes by amending flow charts.
Responsible for preparing test data, tests and debug programs.
Revise and refine programs to improve performance of the applications and features.
Perform execution of functional test plan, validate test results, prepare documentation and data for analysis.
Environment: Android Studio, Kotlin, Cordova 3.6.4, Coroutines, MVVM architecture, Junit, GitHub, Travis, Service now, Charles proxy, POSTMAN, Fire Base, SPLUNK, Titanium SDK, GetStream SDK, TDD.
App Links: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details id=com.beachbody.bod

Lead Android Developer
Fidelity Investments August 2018 April 2021
Fidelity Investments Inc is a multinational financial services corporation based in Boston, Massachusetts. It operates a brokerage firm, manages mutual funds, retirement services, wealth management, cryptocurrency and life insurance. As an android developer, I have worked on developing security features like push authentication, native 2FA, Native login with biometric enrollment and authentication, Membership Sign up and Native password reset.
Participate in scrum meetings and coordinate with Business Analysts to understand the business needs and implement the same into a functional design.
Analyze and create business models, logical specifications and/or user requirements to develop solutions for the application environment.
Design, develop and implement security features using Kotlin, Clean architecture, Retrofit.
Used Firebase Cloud messaging (FCM) system for sending messages and notifications.
Identified the logic in applications using Android Studio IDE and Android SDK.
Designing UI layout using Relative Layout, Linear Layout, Table Layout, Frame Layout, Recycler View, List View and using custom Widgets and Android Widgets.
Used Jetpack Material Design library for development of user interfaces and used Kotlin for View Binding.
Implemented Kotlin coroutines for service layer API calls.
Implemented Jetpack Navigation architecture with Clean architecture.
Performed Unit testing using Junit on various Android Devices and conducted product integration.
Implemented Firebase SDK for logging Firebase crash analytics and Adobe SDK for tagging/measurements.
Responsible for writing Splunk queries and maintaining Splunk board for Fidelity Android Apps.
Worked with version control tools like Source tree and source code repository Bitbucket.
Used Jenkins for continuous integration.
Responsible for documenting all the technical specifications as reference for future developers.
Took responsibility for preparing test data and to test and debug applications when required.
Worked on planning and preparing for future developmental work and improvements for the completed work.
Environment: Android Studio, Kotlin, Coroutines, Clean architecture, Junit, GraphQL, RxKotlin, Bitbucket, Jenkins, Service now, Charles proxy, POSTMAN, Fire Base, SPLUNK, Adobe Analytics
App Links:
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details id=com.fidelity.android
https://play.google.com/store/apps/details id=com.fidelity.link

Senior Android Developer
Dakota County, MN April 2018 August 2018
Dakota County is 587 square miles in area and has a population of approximately 400,000. Situated in the southeast corner of the Twin Cities Metropolitan area, it is the third-most populous county in the state of Minnesota. This project aims to develop an android application to quickly connect with the important answers about where you live, work and play. This application is built to rapidly respond to your input and narrow the focus of requests by area and topic.
Responsible for requirement gathering, UI design and development.
Integrated with web service and mobile devices to share information with each other.
Developed App screens and its workflow using Activity and Fragments, which has views such as List View, Scroll View and Recycler View using Kotlin.
Used GPS to quickly find location and navigate the directions to the nearest Library or Park.
Implemented Notification Manager to display updates on the notification bar.
Design screens using MVP pattern for the application.
Download and upload content from the back end web server via REST API.
Designed complex User Interface screens using views.
Used fragments to build small re-usable pieces that are easier to manage and allow for a more design and also can adapt to tablet.
Making the RestfulWeb Service Calls at the various stages in the app development cycle and parsing the JSON responses back from the web servers according to the application requirement.
Used Volley as a Network library to make network calls.
Used GIT as a version control.
Implemented custom info window Map Marker.
Act as a technical resource to ensure the project is successfully completed.
Environment: Android SDK, XML, JSON, GPS service, Google Maps, GIT.

Senior Android Developer
Priceline.com, Norwalk, CT Feb 2017 April 2018
Priceline.com is an American company and a commercial website which is recognized as the Priceline Group, headquartered in Norwalk, CT. This project included the development of an android application for priceline.com. This app helps to know the best travel deals for its users. The multiple features of this app include finding the cheapest hotels, car rentals and flights in very less time. This app helps you to personalize your search and to know the nearest hotels and its booking methods. User can optimize his search in finding hotels, airports and rental cars by its name, city or proximity. User can review his booking history, cancellations, bill payments etc through this app. I have worked mainly at secure payment gateway for purchasing flight tickets and booking confirmation.
Worked in different phases of project life cycle like design, development and testing of applications for Android mobile devices.
Involved in requirement gathering, UI design and development.
Implemented MVVM design pattern for the design of the application.
Implemented web views, Recycler views, Navigation view & populated lists from database using simple adapters.
Implemented Android content providers for implementing features like sending Emails, SMS, etc., from the app and designed suitable GUI for these applications.
Responsible for design of user interface using various custom layouts, buttons, dialog boxes, alert boxes and edit boxes.
Designed downloading files and images by showing Progress Bar Activities and also implemented Status Bar.
Responsible for SERVICES, ASYNC tasks and Alert Notification API to implement event reminder features into the mobile app.
Strong experience with Android Framework APIs such as Google Maps, Camera, Resource Manager, Fragments, Location Manager, Notification Manager, Content Providers, Contact Manager, Telephony API and REST APIs.
Experience in using dependency injector called Dagger to test the classes
Experience in Android Integration framework tools like Mockito and Gradle.
Experience using AWS to store and retrieve huge data by Client-Server interaction.
Development access restriction features using Authentication and Authorization tokens using JWT.
Embedded Google Maps API, GPS Location Data into app with zooming controls.
Responsible for the Saved data in the SQLite database.
Used Rx Java to handle the errors that occur between the processes.
Used the PostgreSQL JDBC driver to communicate directly with a database.
Modified Android manifest XML file to include all user permissions such as GPS, SMS READ /SEND / RECEIVE.
Experience in Android Networking Libraries like Volley and OkHttp.
Experience in integrating the application with analytics to log User Sessions and Touch Gestures.
Involved in development and enhancements of features to restrict the usage based on Authorization and Authentication tokens.
Understanding system requirements, test case planning and execution, Functional testing, Integration Testing, Track issue records and reporting by using bug tracking tool.
Performed the Unit testing using JUnit.
Experience in using communication protocols in a network using TCP IP and UDP protocols.
Experience in the required GUI by making modifications to the XML files.
Experience with RESTful and SOAP web services.
Used Jenkins for continuous integration.
Experience in using JIRA, as a project management tool.
Used a Hockey app to get application crash reports.
Worked on Continuous Integration and code version using GIT.
Debugged application using ADB, Trace View, DDMS and LogCat.
Worked with the JSON library to parse JSON files.
Experience with authenticated sessions using OAuth and authentication tokens.
Implemented the application in the Agile XP environment.
Worked with business stakeholders, creative teams, offshore teams and technical teams at all levels of an organization
Environment: Android Lollipop, SQLite 3.6, Velocity, Picasso, Eclipse IDE 3.5, Android API s, JDK 1.6, XML, JSON, Jasmine, GPS, ADT Plug-in, CVS (version control), JNI, Logcat, DDMS console.
AppLink:https://play.google.com/store/apps/details id=com.priceline.android.negotiator&hl=en

Senior Android Developer
Santander Bank, Hartford, CT (Offshore) Sep 2014 Aug 2015
Through Insert V Consultancy services, India
Design & development of Meridian Product Suite (MPS) framework that caters to the needs of banking and financial industries. This system has various modules like Bank Account Management, Bills and Payments, Loans, Credit Cards, Investments and Portfolio Management. Meridian Design Center tool helps to design and develop all these modules.
Interacted with business and development teams to analyze the user requirements.
Implemented various applications using Java, JavaScript, and SQL.
Followed MVVM architecture for the design of the application.
Creating various custom views for the application using standard Android components, database, services and various UI widgets types.
Designing and developing the Web Tier using JSP, Servlets, HTML5, Struts and tiles framework.
Created a real time web platform using JQuery Mobile, Flex, WCF Services and TSQL stored procedures.
Worked with the Web Services team to implement the backend support.
Worked on Android JMS App for Point-to-Point asynchronous messaging for high transactional Banking operation.
Designed and developed several scripts using SQL and created a database using Oracle with stored procedures and triggers.
Implemented the Spring Acegi Security for authenticating the customers.
Synchronizing the server for getting the credit and due balances of the customer.
Created a new XML layout with Android Map View to display the location Map and defined the layout that can be reused.
Developed an app using the Google Play Services APIs like Web Services for directions and places in client applications.
Experience in using RxJava to perform asynchronous operations.
Created dynamic data driven and interactive web pages using PHP, MySQL and Apache.
Designed a new version of the app by implementing register and login screens including UI and functionality.
Implemented EventBus library for loose coupling of class.
Experience using debugging tools such as DDMS, Logcat and android device monitor.
Used Mocha, as a JavaScript test framework.
Tested the application using Espresso and UI Automator automation tools.
Followed Test Driven Development for the development of the application.
Used GIT for version control and Maven as build tool.
Tested the app across various versions of android and different android mobile devices to assure quality and performance.
Environment: Visual Studios 2013, Xamarine, JavaScript, SQL, UI, JSP, Servlets, HTML, Struts, JQuery Mobile, Flex, Hockey App, Web Services, JMS, XML, Android Map View, API, MySQL
Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details id=com.sovereign.santander&hl=en
Keywords: cprogramm cplusplus continuous integration continuous deployment quality analyst user interface javascript access management database information technology Connecticut Idaho Minnesota New Jersey

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