
Vasavi - Python Developer
[email protected]
Location: Jersey City, New Jersey, USA
Relocation: Yes
Visa: H1B
Name:Vasavi Penumatsa
[email protected] Phone No: (571) 685-2220 EXT: (103)
Python | Django | REST Framework | SQL | ORM | Pytest | GitLab | TeamCity |PostgreSQL |CI-CD | Docker | RPA | UiPath

7 Years of experience as a Python Developer with Analysis, Design, Development, Testing, customization, Bug fixes, Enhancement, Support and Implementation of various web, stand-alone, client-server enterprise applications using Python, Django in various domains.
Application Development, Management, and Implementation of various stand alone, client-server enterprise applications.
Have worked closely with diverse teams to design cross-platform solutions to automate business process and predict business scenarios.
Experience in implementing server-side technologies with RESTful APIs and MVC/MVT design patterns using Django/Flask frameworks.
Automated Workflows using RPA tool, UiPath.
Experienced in NoSQL databases like MongoDB, Cassandra and relational databases like SQLite, PostgreSQL and MySQL databases.
Experienced with full software development life cycle (SDLC), architecting scalable platforms, object- oriented programming and database design as well as experience in Agile Methodology and Scrum.
Experienced in extensive coding in Python, SQL and Snowflake.
Expertise in DevOps, Release engineering, Configuration Management, Cloud Infrastructure and Automation.
Experience with container-based deployments using Docker, working with Docker images, Docker Hub and Docker registries and have knowledge on containerization orchestration using Kubernetes.
Used Python and PySpark to scrape, clean, and analyze large datasets.
Hands on SVN, Git, JIRA, Amazon EC2/S3.
Good experience of software development in Python (libraries used Beautiful Soup, Numpy, SciPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, Seaborn, NLTK, pytest, urllib, htmllib5, requests, PyMySQL).
Hands-on experience in UNIX, and Linux Kernels.
Used Pandas library in Python for statistical analysis.
Experienced with Linux Bash Scripting.
Working knowledge on modern cloud-based data storage and compute environments (e.g., Snowflake)
Experience on using Amazon web Services like EC2, S3, SQS, RDS and Lambda.
Experienced in working with various IDE s like Spyder, Jupiter Notebook, PyCharm, Sublime Text.
Familiar with the usage of the multiple services in Amazon Web Services (AWS), Azure and Google Cloud Platforms (GCP).
Experiences with File Handling and SSH (Secure Shell).
Experience working knowledge in UNIX and Linux shell environments using command line utilities.
Experience in Version Control systems using Git, GitHub and SVN.
Experience in implementing CI-CD processes using docker, Jenkins and Git.
Performed code reviews and implemented best pythonic programming practices.
Technical Skills:
Python Programming
Django web framework
Flask framework
Model View Controller
Object Relational Mapper
REST framework
Web Scrapping
Data Processing ,Cloud Computing ,Pandas ,CI-CD, Docker, Kubernetes ,Analytical Programming
Programming Languages
Python 2.7 & 3.6, PySpark, Shell scripting, SQL, Snowflake

Django, Flask, REST API, Dataiku DSS

Python Libraries
JSON, Requests, NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, Caffe, Sci-Kit Learn, Matplotlib, Seaborn, PyTorch, OpenCV, NLTK, Gensim, Urllib, Beautiful Soup.

MySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, DynamoDB, MongoDB, Cassandra

Anaconda, Jupyter, PyCharm, Sublime Text, Notepad++

Cloud Platform
AWS, GCP, Azure

Version Control
GIT, GitHub, SVN
Methodologies Agile Scrum
Operating Systems
Windows, Linux, UNIX, MacOS

Professional Experience:
Virtuous Tech Inc OCT 2023 - Present
Client : Elevance Health
Software Developer

Automate build, test, and deployment pipelines using TeamCity, GitLab CI/CD, or GitHub Actions with Python.
Implement and maintain integration between code repositories and deployment tools.
Write Python scripts to monitor application health and server metrics by integrating with tools.
Automate alerting workflows to notify teams of critical issues using Python integrations with communication tools like Slack or Microsoft Teams.
Write Python scripts to perform automated unit, integration, and performance tests.
Write Python scripts for database automation tasks such as backups, migrations, or data transformations.
Automate repository management tasks such as branching, merging, and tagging using Python with Git Python or similar libraries.
Collaborate with development and operations teams to understand automation requirements.
Tools: Python, Django REST framework, PostgreSQL, Pytest, CI-CD, GitLab, PyCharm, ORM, Postman, RPA, UiPath Swagger UI, Jira, Linux, bash

KPCS Systems.
Client: Japan Airlines
Software Developer.

Project Objective: Developing a tool that analyses the existing infrastructure and
provide optimization plan for the provisioning systems.
Developing new features for the application. enhancing and optimizing the existing features.
Building multiple Restful APIs which caters the data to the capacity management teams.
Deploying the upgrades through CI-CD pipelines on GitLab to different environments.
Closely work with the provisioning teams and provide the required data though APIs.
Develop jobs which are scheduled to run on regular basis which pull the reports from the Virtual Operations tool and update the database.
Developing asynchronous API services using Django queue.
Defining the best practices to be followed while writing code.
Code Optimization and Unit Testing to run effectively on different sets of Inputs.
Writing Unit tests for each feature or change that is being developed.
Automated infrastructure provisioning workflows using UiPath.
Performing the code reviews prior to merging into master.
Planning the bi-weekly sprint, coming up with relevant stories and points.
Ensuring proper documentation is being done before handing over to the client.
Presenting the updates of the development activities and communicating the progress to the client bi-weekly
Tools: Python, Django REST framework, PostgreSQL, Pytest, CI-CD, GitLab, PyCharm, ORM, Postman, RPA, UiPath Swagger UI, Jira, Linux, bash

KPCS Systems.
Software Developer

Developed Data Ingestion Layer for analytics advisory module. Developed a full-stack Data integration app with Django web framework, Python for business requirements.
Automating the collection of data from the documents dropped in SFTP server, prepare and generate the corresponding Json and save it to the Postgres database.
Interacting with client to get requirement/clarification and provide suitable solutions.
Code Optimization and Unit Testing to run Effectively on Different sets of Inputs.
Responsible to handle the Production issue either by myself or by delegating to the respective team member.
Did a lot of work around text analytics for creating automated reconciliation tool.
Written code for extracting the data from invoice documents using Spacy and other NLP frameworks.
Created a chat bot for a business use case using RASA NLU framework.
Worked on image analytics for a brief to create an auto annotation tool.
Tools: Python, Machine learning libraries, Django Web framework, REST APIs, ORM, JIRA, Docker, GIT, Linux

Bachelor of Technology, 2018, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada India
Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment user interface business intelligence sthree information technology

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