
Gopal - Cloud Devops Engineer
[email protected]
Location: Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA
Relocation: Yes
Highly accomplished, skilled and motivated DevOps engineer with around 8+ years of professional experience in DevOps operation, Software.
Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Build automation and Release Management (RM) and Cloud Management. Extensive experience includes Software Configuration Management (SCM), Change/ Incident Management and Linux Administration.
Proficient in using all Amazon web services like EC2, ECS, EFS, IAM, S3, Auto-Scaling, ELB, API Gateway, DynamoDB, RDS, Route 53, Elastic Beanstalk, Cloud Watch, Cloud Formation, Redshift, Lambda etc. Experience in using Data Pipeline for moving the data between AWS services (Storage, Compute) as well as the on -premises data sources.
Implemented a Continuous Delivery pipeline with Docker, Jenkins, GitHub and AWS AMI s. Experienced in Waterfall, Agile / Scrum, Lean and most recently Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) practices.
Implemented a 'server less' architecture using API Gateway, Lambda and deployed AWS Lambda code from Amazon S3 buckets. Created a Lambda Deployment function, and configured it to receive events from your S3 bucket.
Designed the data models to be used in data intensive AWS Lambda applications which are aimed to do complex analysis creating analytical reports for end-to-end traceability.
Experience in working on version control systems like Subversion (SVN) and GIT, Clear Case, Stash. And used Source code management client tools like Visual SVN, Tortoise SVN, Stash, Source Tree, Git Bash, GitHub, Git GUI and other command line applications etc.
Extensive experience in Linux/Unix System Administration, System and Server Builds, installations, upgrades, tuning, migration and troubleshooting.
Experienced in troubleshooting and automated deployment to web and application servers like Web Sphere, WebLogic, JBOSS and Tomcat.
Involved in JIRA as defect tracking system and configure various workflows, customizations and plugins for JIRA bug/issue tracker, integrated Jenkins with JIRA, GitHub. Experience in creating and maintaining multiple projects in Build Forge, TFS, Jenkins, and Bamboo.
Extensive experience in ticketing and tracking tools like JIRA, REMEDY, Clear Quest, Bugzilla for Production hotfixes and bug fixes.
Worked on Terraform for automating VPCs, ELBs, security groups, SQS queues, S3 buckets, and continuing to replace the rest of our infrastructure.
Helped to formulate the FinOps guidelines across the WU environments for better resource utilization.
Worked with Terraform key features such as Infrastructure as code, Execution plans, Resource Graphs, Change Automation and extensively used Auto scaling launch configuration templates for launching amazon EC2 instances while deploying Micro services.
Using Terraform as a tool, Managed different infrastructure resources Cloud, VMware, Bare Metal Servers and Docker containers.
Experience in using configuration management tools like Chef, Puppet and Ansible.
Expertise in Design/Plan, Install, Configure Linux Flavors ( Centos, RHEL, and Ubuntu ), Windows Server IIS AWS in a DevOps Culture through Continuous Integration (CI) & Continuous Deployment/Delivery (CD) as an iterative process and Automation of Infrastructure as Code.
Creating Storage Pool and Stripping of Disk for Azure Virtual Machines. Backup, Configure and Restore Azure Virtual Machine using Azure Backup. Taking Backup to Azure cloud Storage Account using Cloudberry Cloud Storage Tools. Configure Site to Site VPN Connectivity.
Extensive experience in developing and maintaining build, deployment scripts for test, Staging and Production environments using ANT, Maven, Shell and Perl scripts.
Kubernetes is being used to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker Containers. Used Jenkins pipelines to drive all microservices builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes.
Building/Maintaining Docker container clusters managed by Kubernetes. Utilized Kubernetes and Docker for the runtime environment of the CI/CD (continuous Integration and continuous deployment) system to build, test deploy.
Written Ansible YAML scripts that can store the credentials for various sandboxes and secured them on the remote servers.
Developed micro service on boarding tools leveraging Python and Jenkins allowing for easy creation and maintenance of build jobs and Kubernetes deploy and services.
Installed Workstation, Bootstrapped Nodes, Wrote Recipes and Cookbooks and uploaded them to Chef-server, Managed On-site OS/Applications/Services/Packages using Chef as well as AWS for EC2/S3/Route53 &ELB with Chef Cookbooks.
Worked in infrastructure team on installation, configuration and administration of CentOS 5.x/6.x/7, Red Hat Linux 8/9, RHEL 5.x/6.x/7, Red Hat Satellite 6, Windows Server R2/2012-R2 - IIS and SUSE Linux 10.x/11.
Experience in developing Java enterprise web applications using Java, J2EE, spring, Hibernate and Java Script on various Application Server platforms.

Languages Shell Scripting, Python, .NET, Java/J2EE, Perl, and Groovy.
Cloud Technologies AWS, Azure, Open Stack.
Build Tools Maven, Ant, Gradle.
Version Control GIT, SVN, Bit bucket, SCM, Clear Case, CVS.
Configuration Integration Hudson / Jenkins, Bamboo.
Configuration Management Tools Chef, Ansible, Puppet.
Virtualization Docker, Kubernetes.
Package Management Nexus, JFrog, Artifactory.
Issue Tracking JIRA, SonarQube, Remedy, Service Now.
Operating Systems Windows, CentOS, Linux, Ubuntu.
Web/Application Servers Web Logic, Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, Nginx, JBoss.
Monitoring Tools Nagios, Splunk and Cloud Watch.

DirectV, PA Dec 2023 to present
AWS /Cloud Devops Engineer
Build servers using AWS includes importing necessary volumes, launching EC2 instances, S3 for object static web pages and created security groups, auto scaling, load balancer, Route 53 and SNS as per architecture using IAAC tools like Cloud formation JSON Templates.
Created customized Amazon Machine Images based on already existing AWS EC2 instances by using create image functionality snapshot for disaster recovery. Used Boto3 to automate, Auto scaling policy for automating auto-scaling groups, Elastic load balancers, and launch configurations.
Worked on Life cycle hooks to keep instances in wait state, perform pre-production tasks, and then launch EC2 instances while deploying into production environment.
Wrote Lambda functions in python for AWS s Lambda which invokes Python scripts to perform various transformations and analytics on large data sets in EMR clusters.
Created functions and assigned roles in AWS Lambda to run python scripts, and AWS Lambda using java to perform event driven processing.
Created GIT configuration record for builds using derived objects generated during build audit process. And Worked on Analyzing and resolving conflicts related to merging of source code for GIT.
Implemented Kubernetes manifests, helm charts for deployment of microservices into k8s clusters
Responsible for design and maintenance of the GIT Repositories, views, and the access control strategies.
Deployed and configured GIT repositories with branching, forks, tagging, merge requests, and notifications.
Written Templates for AWS infrastructure as a code using Terraform to build staging and production environments.
Utilized tools such as Chef, Terraform, and Jenkins in conjunction with custom Python and PowerShell scripts to automate infrastructure deployment and auditing.
Involved in Provisioning AWS Infrastructure using Terraform scripts from Jenkins. And Built Jenkins jobs to create AWS infrastructure from GitHub repositories containing Terraform code.
Created Jenkins Jobs to automate Maven Application Builds by pulling code from Rational Clear Case SCM repositories.
Worked on assessing Committed Unit Discounts (CUD) in GCP in order implement in FINOPS process.
Built end to end CI / CD Pipelines in Jenkins to retrieve code, compile applications, perform tests and push build artifacts to Nexus Artifactory.
Created job chains with Jenkins Job Builder, Parameterized Triggers, and target host deployments. Configured Chef console and automated the Chef Client execution through Jenkins by using the knife utility tool.
Used Chef for Deploying packages to Linux EC2 Instances, as well as Upgrading EC2 instances. And built DNS system in EC2 and managed all DNS related tasks.
Implemented cloud infrastructure using Chef and implemented auto scaling and Assign chef roles to EC2 instances. And deployed and configured Chef Server and Chef Solo including bootstrapping of Chef Client nodes for provisioning.
Created and updated Puppet manifests and modules, files, and packages stored in the GIT repository.
Deployed Puppet, Puppet Dashboard, and PuppetDB for configuration management to existing infrastructure. And configured web server in the Apache AWS Cloud environment using Puppet automation.
Managed Docker orchestration and Docker containerization using K8s.
Implemented Infrastructure automation through Ansible for auto provisioning, code deployments, software installation and configuration updates.
Created Ansible supported YAML scripts to restart JBoss, Tomcat, and Jetty servers through GUI. And supported Ansible tower backup and security process.
Implemented CI and CD for application using Jenkins as CI tool for integrating different tools like GitHub, Maven, Junit, and Nexus Artifactory and used Ansible as configuration management tool for continuous deployment into testing, staging and Production Environment.
Involved in setting up JIRA as defect tracking system and configured various workflows, customizations and plugins for the JIRA bug/issue tracker.
Used Kubernetes to deploy and manage containers (pods) on AWS. And created a private cloud using Kubernetes that supports development, test and production environments.
Developed Networking policies for Docker containers. Worked on open-source development tools like Docker Containers, Mesos and Kubernetes.
Deployed and configured Chef Server including bootstrapping of Chef Client nodes for provisioning. Created roles, recipes, cookbooks and data bags for Nginx, tomcat, apache server configuration.
Implemented Build per Branch as part of CI process in Jenkins to run SonarQube code coverage and run unit and integration tests to improve the pipeline efficiency.
Environment: AWS EC2, S3, IAM,EBS, Ansible, Git, Jenkins, Terraform, WebLogic Server, Python, Ant, Maven, Nexus, Kubernetes, Nexus, Cassandra, UrbanCode, Openshift, AWS Glue, Nginx, Docker, SonarQube, SVN, Jira, Shell Scripts, Docker Registry, Prometheus, LogStash, Dyna trace, Grafana,Tomcat, Jenkins.

Trigent Software, India Nov 2019 to Jan 2022
CloudDevops Engineer
Created snapshots to take backups of the volumes and AMI to store launch configurations of the EC2 instance.
Used IAM for creating roles, users, groups and implemented MFA to provide additional security to AWS accounts and its resources.
Involved in Configuring and managing AWS Virtual Private Cloud along with subnets, route tables and internet gateway.
Created custom Amazon Machine Images (AMI) to automate server build for auto scaling during peak times. And, also deployed applications in AWS using Elastic Beanstalk.
Utilized Lambda and serverless.yml as configuration management tools to deploy consistent infrastructure across multiple environments.
Used the AWS-CLI to suspend AWS Lambda function. Used AWS CLI to automate backups of ephemeral data-stores to S3 buckets, EBS.
Created S3 buckets and maintained and utilized the policy management of S3 buckets and Glacier for storage and backup on AWS. Used Amazon IAM to grant fine-grained access to AWS resources to users.
Developed infrastructure with automation in AWS (EC2, Lambda, EBS, RDS, Dynamo, ELB, and BOTO3) with AWS cloud formation templates. Created and designed the AWS Cloud Formation templates to create custom sized VPC, NAT subnets, for deployment of Web applications and database templates.
Identifying opportunities to improve infrastructure that effectively and efficiently utilizes the Microsoft Azure Windows server2008/2012/R2, Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Visual Studio, Windows PowerShell, Cloud infrastructure.
Using Chef deployed and configured Elasticsearch, Logstash and Kibana (ELK) for log analytics, full text search and application monitoring in integration with Cloud Watch.
Designed DevOps workflow for multiple applications by orchestrating Test, Build, Release and Deploy phases through various CI/CD pipelines using Git, Maven, Jenkins, Docker, Chef, Puppet & Cloud formation tools.
Worked on SonarQube to check code quality on maven-based projects.
Developed and designed continuous integration pipeline and integrated using bitbucket, Jenkins, SonarQube.
Enabled Continuous Delivery through Deployment into several environments of Development, Test and Production using Maven and SonarQube.
Researched and implemented code coverage and unit test plug-ins with MAVEN / Jenkins.
Automated Weekly releases with GRADLE scripting for Compiling Java Code, Debugging and Placing Builds into Maven Repository.
Developed Dev/Test/Prod environments of different applications on AWS by provisioning Kubernetes clusters on EC2 instances.
Integrated Docker container orchestration framework using Kubernetes by creating pods, configMaps and deployments.
Developed build using Gradle as a build tool and used CI tools to kick off the builds move from one environment to other environments.
Wrote Groovy scripts for both pipeline and scripted pipeline jobs.
Used Maven dependency management system to deploy snapshot and release artifacts to Nexus to share artifacts across projects.
Established Chef Best practices approach to system deployment with tools and managing Chef Cookbook as a unit of software deployment and independently version controlled.
Responsible for managing the Chef Client nodes and upload the cookbooks to chef-server from workstation.
Written shell scripts to monitor the logs after deployments and send emails automatically.
Used the continuous Integration tools such as Jenkins for automating/Scheduling the build processes and used Jenkins along with Shell or Python scripts to automate routine jobs. CI/CD tools to implement Blue - Green deployment methodology for reducing time in Production environment.
Manage source control repository in Subversion - controlling and monitoring check-in's & create tags for builds.
Worked on Maven to create artifacts from source code and deploy them in Nexus central repository for internal deployments. Automated the entire Importing and Compilation process.
Environment:AWS EC2, S3, RDS, AMI, IAM, Redshift, Lambda, VPC, Chef, Azure, Docker, Git, Jenkins, Terraform Python, Groovy, Subversion, Ant, Maven, Nexus, Kubernetes, Kibana, SonarQube, CloudWatch, LogStash, SVN, Docker, Jira, Python, Shell Scripts, Tomcat, Jenkins, Ansible, Splunk.

Bell Solutions, India July 2017 to Oct 2019
Devops Engineer
Designed and Worked on Managing the Private Cloud Environment using Chef.
Worked extensively with Nagios monitoring system like created, monitored hosts and gave services for various reference sites.
Experience in installing, administering, patching, up-gradating, performance tuning and troubleshooting Linux based servers like Red Hat Linux 5/6, CentOS5/6.
Worked on Managing the Time Options in Nagios and Created an Event Handler for the Nagios Server.
Developed a continuous deployment pipeline using Jenkins, Ruby / Shell scripts.
Used Terraform to map more complex dependencies and identify network issues.
Testing End - End implementation compatibility on AWS using Ansible.
Wrote Python Scripts with AWS Cloud Formation templates to automate installation of Auto Scaling, EC2, VPC and other services.
Manage AWS EC2 instances utilizing Elastic Load Balancer and Glacier for our QA and UAT environments as well as infrastructure servers for GIT and Ansible.
Used Selenium to expand test scenarios to catch more bugs and improve quality.
Created custom Docker container images, tagging and pushing the images. And worked on creating the Docker containers and Docker consoles for managing the application life cycle.
Used Jenkins pipelines to drive all microservices build out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, created pods and manages using Kubernetes.
Kubernetes is being used to orchestrate the deployment, scaling and management of Docker containers.
Utilized Kubernetes to integrate with Docker container for creating pods, configmaps and deployments.
Create clusters in Google Cloud and manage the clusters using Kubernetes. Using Jenkins to deploy code to Google Cloud, create a new namespaces, creating Docker images and pushing them to container registry of Google Cloud. Involved in setting up a Microservice architecture for application development.
Used GIT along with Puppet Enterprise to deploy software on production and troubleshooting various issues during deployment.
Continuous Delivery setups with Puppet by creating manifest and maintaining templates for different environments. And migration of shell scripts into Puppet manifests.
Virtualized servers in Docker as per test environments and Dev-environments requirements and configured automation using Docker containers Used JIRA as ticket tracking and workflow tool.
Configured local Maven repositories with Nexus repositories and scheduled projects in Jenkins for continuous integration.
Troubleshoot the build issue during the Jenkins build process Implemented Ansible to deploy the builds for development, QA and production. Automation of infrastructure by creating.
Installed and managed monitoring tools like , Analyzing and reviewing the system performance tuning and network configurations, CPU utilization, memory profiles, disk utilization, network connectivity, system log files.
Developed Ansible Playbooks to install and configure Apache Tomcat, Jenkins, Rundeck and deployment automation.
Automated the test cases using Selenium Web Driver, Java Eclipse and TestNG.
Migration of Bamboo and control tier along with build servers, and configured workflows to create new jobs and modify the existing projects to automation.
Environment:AWS EC2, VPC, EBS, Lambda, AMI, SNS, RDS, EBS, Bamboo , Python, Nexus, puppet, Selenium web driver, Nagios, Google Cloud, Linux, Eclipse, Git, Ant, Maven, Subversion, Ansible, SVN, Docker, Jira, Pearl, Ruby, Shell Scripts, Tomcat, Jenkins, Splunk.

Mission RnD, IndiaJuly 2016 June 2017
Devops Engineer
Experience of working with the release and deployment of large-scale Java/J2EE web application using SVN repository.
Updating the SVN log properties for reversions. Setting up the SVN sync servers, changed rev properties for SVN sync.
Created and maintained ANT build.XML for performing the builds.
Installed and administered GIT source code tool and ensured the reliability of the application as well as designed the branching strategies for GIT.
Worked with the development team to generate deployment profiles (jar, war, ear) using Ant Scripts and Jenkins.
Maintained build related scripts developed in ANT, Python, and Shell. Modified build configuration files including Ant build.XML.
Expertise in ANT scripts to automate the maintenance process of the WebSphere and recovered the back-up Websphere configuration using XML Config tool.
Collaborated with Development and support teams to set up a Continuous Delivery environment with the use of ANT and continuous build and delivery tools.
Configured and maintained Bamboo to implement the CI process and integrated the tool with ANT and MAVEN to schedule the builds.
Designed and Developed Bamboo Build deployments on Docker containers and also configured Bamboo to send out various kinds of build related notification.
Developed automation scripting in Python using Puppet to deploy and manage JAVA applications.
Developed Puppet to install and configure Apache Tomcat, Jenkins and Rundeck and deployment automation.
Create a build environment that creates baked images via Rundeck.
Integrated Subversion into Puppet to automate the code check-out process and managed to build results in Puppet and deployed using workflows in Chef.
Deployed Chef for configuration management to existing infrastructure. Wrote cookbooks to automate the configuration setups.
Written Chef Recipes to automate our build/deployment process and do an overall process improvement to any manual process.
Configured Jenkins with SVN for appropriate release builds. And setup Jenkins tool to integrate the JAVA project for continuous integration and deployment.
Configured and Maintained Apache web servers for Release Management team s internal use.
Environment:Java/J2EE, SVN, GIT, GitHub, Tomcat, Maven, Bamboo, Ant, Oracle WebLogic, Rundeck, Jenkins, Chef, Jira, Ansible, Shell Scripting, Python, Ruby, Bamboo, Perl, AngularJs, Linux (Ubuntu).
Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment quality analyst sthree information technology Pennsylvania

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