
Narender Malgari - Java Full stack developer
[email protected]
Location: Dayton, Ohio, USA
Narender Reddy
Senior Java Full Stack Developer
Email: [email protected]
Phone No: +1 513-409-4439
LinkedIn URL: linkedin.com/in/narender-narender-a41a4524a

Professional Summary

10+ years of experience in all the phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) including Requirement Analysis, Design, Implementation and Product Testing in both the Web based and Enterprise applications with emphasis on Object Oriented, Java/J2EE and Client Server technologies
Experience in developing professional small - scale to large-scale web applications which includes front-end designing and developing client / server web and mobile applications using HTML5, CSS3, jQuery, Angular JS/2.0/4.0/6.0, Ajax, XML, JSON, Bootstrap, Angular-material, Node JS, Express JS, React JS, and RESTful Services.
Expert in object-oriented programming OOP concepts using Ruby
In-depth experience in Ruby on Rails jRuby, Gems on Rails, java / JMS integration, Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP architecture.
Designed and implemented CAMUNDA workflows to automate EDA communication process for resource maintenance in cloud environment.
Created CAMUNDA workflows for multiple use cases which include instantiation, health check and configuration of PNF devices on cloud environment.
Created CAMUNDA workflows to automate instantiation, health check, configuration and delete processes on PNF and VNF devices.
Experience working with Java 1.8 Lambdas, Functional Interfaces, and integrated Stream API into the Collections API, to perform bulk operations on collections
Worked on Lambda Expressions, Functional interfaces Stream API's, Time API, and Improvements on Collection, Concurrency, and IO improvements by using Java 8
Managed Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2, S3 bucket, ELB, Auto-Scaling, Dynamo DB, Elastic search, Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) through AWS Console and API Integration
Hands on experience with Amazon web services (AWS) and Amazon cloud technologies such as Amazon EC2 (virtual servers) and Amazon Cloud Watch (monitoring)
Experience with Cloud Computing Service environments like (AWS) Amazon Web Services (EC2, EBS, EKS, S3, ELASTIC SEARCH, Fargate).
Experienced with NoSQL databases like MongoDB and Cassandra on large data platforms and worked on PCF (Pivotal cloud foundry).
Extensive experience working in Spring framework, Strut s framework, Object Relational Mapping Hibernate framework and web services
Strong experience working in agile environments practicing paired programming, test driven development and SCRUM methodology in particular.
Experience in deploying Mule flows and securing the APIs using the Mule platform in CloudHub
Good experience in API technology landscape and API management landscape from MuleSoft
Worked extensively with Git, SVN, Jenkins, PHP Unit, PHP MyAdmin, JIRA, and Apache Web Server
Expert in object-oriented programming OOP concepts using Ruby
Experience using Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring DAO, Spring Data, Spring IOC, Spring Annotations, Spring AOP, Spring Transactions and Spring Security
Strong work experience in application integration and communicating using SOA, Web Services such as JAX-RPC, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, SOAP, WSDL, XML and RESTFUL web services
Extensive work experience in web technologies like JSP, Servlets, JavaScript
Extensively worked on developing UI components using HTML5, CSS3 and JSON to interact with Restful web services
Created Front-end Single Page Applications using semantics in HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap, ReactJS, NodeJS and MongoDB.
Experienced in numerous Design Patterns like Singleton, Factory, Session Facade, MVC, Data Access Object, UML and Enterprise Application Integration
Expert in Core Java with strong understanding of Collections, Multithreading, Event handling, Exception handling and Generics
Strong Experience in database design using PL/SQL to write Stored Procedures, Functions, Triggers, Indexers and proficiency in writing complex queries, using Oracle, SQL Server and MySQL
Experience in working with the MySQL Database like Cassandra DB and Mongo DB to manage extremely large data sets
Experienced in JMS over messaging to exchange the information in more reliable and asynchronous way in enterprise Applications. Used Apache Active MQ and Apache Camel
Experience in version control system tools like GIT, CVS and SVN
Experience in unit testing the applications using JUnit, TDD Framework
Worked on implementing full life cycle of software development process (SDLC) in using version control tools like Rational Clear Case, Tortoise SVN, CVS (Concurrent Version System)
Hands-on experience working with Continuous Integration (CI) build-automation tools such as Maven, SVN, CVS, Jenkins and Apache Ant
Significant experience in web development tools like Spring Tool Suite(STS), Eclipse and IntelliJ
Hands on experience with Windows, UNIX and Linux Environments
Having Experience on Shell Scripting and Deployment of Applications in Server
Experience in designing, developing, and deploying J2EE applications on Web sphere, Web logic and Apache Tomcat application Servers
Excellent written and verbal communication skills, Analytical, Problem Solving skills, strict attention to detail and ability to work independently, lead/work within a team environment

Technical Skills:
Languages C, C++, Java, SQL, PL/SQL/Python,Oracle,HTTP
Enterprise Java JSP, Servlet, JNDI, JDBC, Log4J API, Java security, ReactJs, Postman, swagger
Mark-up/XML Technologies HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JQuery, AngularJS, Angular, Ajax, XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, JSON, DOJO, GCP
Tools & Framework Struts, Spring, Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Hibernate, Drools, Splunk.
Web services SOAP, Restful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS JAX-WS, Axis2, Micro Services, AWS
Web/App Servers Web Sphere, Web Logic, Apache Tomcat, JBoss
Database Oracle, SQL-Server, MySQL server, MongoDB
Development Tools Eclipse, Spring Tool Suite STS, IntelliJ
O-R mapping Hibernate, JPA,IBatis
Version Control GIT, CVS, SVN, Rational Clear Case
Testing Tools/ Others JUnit, SoapUI, Putty, WinSCP, Mockito
OS & Environment Windows, UNIX, Linux
Design Patterns MVC, Front Controller, Singleton, Business Delegate and DAO patterns

Client: State of Arkansas Jan 2023 Till Date
Role: Sr Java Full Stack Developer


Used development IDEs like Eclipse for Java and Toad for PLSQL development
Wrote scripts for the jobs to execute them on the Unix server using Shell scripting
Monitored and debugged Java logs on Unix server
Used basic UNIX commands to perform various operations on the UNIX server
Used basic Linux commands for file management and other operations.
Kafka integration with Spark using Spark Streaming API.
Write new Oozie coordinator and bundle jobs for existing jobs in Hadoop cluster.
Worked on Flume integration with server log file to do analysis using Hive Thrift server.
Worked on Scala for implementing spark machine learning libraries and spark streaming.
Involved in developing responsive UI using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Bootstrap and SPA
(Single page application) using Angular 6, Typescript, Angular-CLI, NGRX, Bootstrap and Web pack
Used Angular router and implemented module wide routing and created different forms using Angular data driven and template driven form.
Analyzed log files using Pivotal Cloud Foundry PCF console.
Skilled in integrating ISVG with authentication mechanisms like LDAP, Active Directory, and SSO providers to enforce secure access control policies.
Worked on HTML, HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, Angular.js and Backbone.js and their integration within a PHP environment.
Used CAMUNDA Modeler for workflow creation.
Added unit testing for every CAMUNDA workflows
Used CAMUNDA REST API s Cockpit and JAVA API s to communicate with CAMUNDA engine.
Conducted rigorous testing for EDI workflows, including unit and integration tests using tools like JUnit and Postman, to ensure data accuracy.
Built PHP applications to meet product requirements and satisfy use cases using MVC architecture, Code igniter Framework and Wordpress CMS
Followed Agile software development practice paired programming, test driven development and scrum status meetings.
Developed auditing and logging mechanisms to track EDI transaction lifecycles, ensuring compliance with healthcare standards.
Implemented Test-Driven Development (TDD) practices using JUnit for Java and RSpec for Ruby to ensure reliable, well-tested code across both languages.
Develop complex functionalities using Java 11, HTML, and CSS.
Used Cloud Watch to create cloud watch alarms, used Amazon EKS (Elastic Kubernetes Service) service with the Kubernetes to manage the clusters.
Worked on analysis, design, development, and implementation of web applications using PHP, Zend Framework, Oracle and MySQL
Having experienced in Agile Methodologies, Scrum stories and sprints experience in a Python based environment, along with data analytics, data wrangling and Excel data extracts.
Developed Micro services & APIs using Spring Cloud, Spring Security, Spring Boot, Spring Integration
Performed REST validations and created REST exception Handlers and used Postman to test REST services
Developed unit test cases using Junit, Spring to test REST micro services
Involved in consuming SOAP based web services so that the business application can integrate with legacy applications and facilitates for future applications
Used Java 1.8 Lambda expressions and Stream API to support functional-style operations on streams of elements.
Worked on Java functional programming concepts like Streams, Functional Interfaces, new date time API and lambda expressions.
Extensively used Java 8 features such as lambda expressions, Parallel operations on collections, multithreading and for effective sorting mechanisms.
Used Streams and Lambda expressions available as part of Java 8 to store and process the data
Maintained Interface compatibility and concurrency in the project using Java 8 new features like default, static methods, and Concurrency API.
Used Java 8 Method References feature to point to methods by their names and used functional Interfaces.
Wrote and executed various MYSQL database queries from python using Python MySQL connector and MySQL dB package.
Utilized mapping tools to transform data between EDI standards such as X12, EDIFACT, and custom XML formats for backend processing.
Developed Web API using NodeJS and hosted on multiple load balanced API instances
Extensively used NodeJS on front end (used namespaces, closures, and custom bindings).
Implemented databinding using NODEJS for front-end development of a current web application
Wrote scripts in python for extracting data from HTML file
Integrated IBM Security Verify Access (ISVA) with enterprise applications using SAML, OAuth 2.0, OpenID Connect, and Kerberos protocols for secure authentication.
Install, configure, test, monitor, upgrade, and tune new and existing PostgreSQL databases
Plans and coordinates the administration of PostgreSQL databases to ensure accurate, appropriate, and effective use of data, including database definition
Used Multi-Threading and collection framework including List, Map
Used Apache Maven as a build tool for building the Restful web-service
Involved in Creating cloud formation templates using AWS Cloud formation and leveraged Elastic container services to run Docker micro services in AWS
Automated the cloud deployments using AWS cloud formation templates.
Worked with an in-depth level of understanding in the strategy and practical implementation of AWS Cloud-Specific technologies including ECS and EC2.
Developed API for using AWS Lambda to manage the servers and run the code in the AWS
Worked extensively with API Management product of APIGEE Edge in consuming the API s in implementing customer use cases.
APIGEE is used for the creation, deployment, debug & maintenance of all clients facing APIs.
Implemented Security mechanism (OAUTH 2.0) of the APIs using APIGEE Edge platform.
Created design documents for the API integration architecture.
Integrated Java back-end systems with Ruby-based analytics scripts, enabling real-time data tracking, report generation, and dashboarding for data-driven insights.
Expertise in documenting RESTFUL API using Swagger UI and Ignite Service Design Platform.
Took the ownership of Elastic Cluster within Enterprise Management/Cyber Security System
Evaluated current configuration of Elastic and provided recommendation on reducing C2S footprint.
To send emails to users developed Java API to interact with the Amazon SQS and Amazon SNS
Involved in designing and deploying multitude applications utilizing almost all AWS stack (Including EC2, S3, AMI, Route53, RDS, SNS, SQS, IAM) focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and Auto-Scaling in AWS Cloud Formation

Environment: Java 1.8, Java 8, concurrent package, lambda expressions, streams, JavaScript, , PCF,Servlets, JSP s, JDBC, EJB, JPA, Hibernate, Java 11 ,JAX-B, JAX-RS, SQL, Oracle 10g, SVN, EKS,PHP, GitHub, Ant, ServiceNow, Spring Boot, Spring Batch,JMS,Tibco EMS Autosys, Ruby, Nodejs, Eclipse, Unix, JUnit, Log4J, Angular 6,HTML, CSS, and Bootstrap, Docker, AWS, , Swagger, Microservices, JIRA, Jenkins, Python

Client: Bank of the West, Chicago, Illinois July 2021 Dec 2022
Role: Java Full Stack Developer

Designed a generic framework to process the transactional data which comes from different type of files, MQ queues, Http systems and databases
Spring AOP used to check Authorization and determine allowed actions for different workflow status.
Developed input transporter (File Reader, MQ Receiver and Database Reader) and output transporter (File Writer, MQ sender, Database writer) components, workflow manager to route the transactional data to various external systems
The data is routed to different queues and processed with built in workflow engine and the output data is sent to files, MQ queues, Http systems and databases
JConsole , VisualVM is used to monitor the health of the system
Core Java with Concurrent API is used extensively for parallel processing and chunk processing
Database modeling and design. Involved in developing and implementation of the web application using Ruby on Rails.
Added unit testing for every CAMUNDA workflows
Used CAMUNDA REST API s Cockpit and JAVA API s to communicate with CAMUNDA engine.
Created UI for user actions for error handling in CAMUNDA workflows and integrated with flows based on user input.
Implemented complex java logic as CAMUNDA listener classes to handle and store business logic and validation.
Developed backup and recovery processes for ISVD to ensure data integrity and business continuity.
Implement and integrate payment gateways (e.g., Stripe, PayPal, Square) within Java-based POS systems, supporting various payment methods like credit cards, digital wallets, and mobile payments.
Experience with Test Driven Development( TDD ), paired programming and refactoring code
Deployed spring boot application on AWS EKS instances and configured auto scaling of instances.
Made and implemented a huge variety of websites and web apps using PHP, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3, MySQL
Develop POCs for integrating new payment gateways, real-time transaction processing, and secure financial services APIs using Java to validate functionality and compliance with banking regulations.
A web application for connecting care providers and members. This project includes server application with data fetching requirement. We have exposed the services as Rest Web Services. We developed backend system using NodeJ
Integrated RHEL with CI/CD pipelines for automated application builds, testing, and deployment using Jenkins, GitLab CI, or Ansible.
Built RESTful APIs in Java and integrated them with Ruby-based microservices and front-end components, ensuring seamless data exchange and optimized cross-language interoperability.
Responsible for migrating the Web services from shared Java environment to PCF - Cloud platform.
NodeJS been used for developing I/O intensive web applications like, single-page application
Installing and monitoring PostgreSQL database using the standard monitoring tools like Nagios etc
Create and maintain shell scripts to backup and restore Oracle and PostgreSQL databases
Used AWS lambda to run servers without managing them and to trigger to run code by S3 and SNS
Automated the cloud deployments using AWS cloud formation templates.
Worked with an in-depth level of understanding in the strategy and practical implementation of AWS Cloud-Specific technologies including ECS and EC2.
Developed RESTful APIs and SOAP-based services to facilitate real-time integration of EDI transactions with enterprise systems.
Developed API for using AWS Lambda to manage the servers and run the code in the AWS
Implemented and enhanced CRUD operations for the applications using the MVC Model View Controller architecture of Rails framework and Ruby conducting code reviews
Support for all the API's present in test and production environments of all the projects.
Analyze the various API analytics summary to calculate and improve for better performance
Have an experience working on MuleSoft API manager and RAML to build REST API's.
Used Postman to trigger HTTP requests making the SOAP and REST based APIs work faster
Developed generic component to send message and receive message from MQ queues using spring
Extensively used Spring JDBC, Spring AOP, Spring Remoting, Spring Schedulers
Developed Rule based pluggable validation framework using composite design pattern
Wrote python scripts to parse XML documents and load the data in database.
Jprofile memory view and CPU view and Thread view and VM telemetry view used to analyze the behavior of application.
Wrote Spark transformations and action jobs to get data from source DB/log files and migrating to destination Cassandra database.
Involved in converting Hive/SQL queries into Spark transformations using Spark RDDs, and Scala.
Developed multiple POCs using Scala and deployed on the Yarn cluster, compared the performance of Spark, with Hive and SQL/Teradata.
Analyzed the SQL scripts and designed the solution to implement using Scala.
Expert in implementing advanced procedures like text analytics and processing using the in-memory computing capabilities like Apache Spark written in Scala.
Installed the Apache Kafka cluster and Confluent Kafka open source in different environments.
Basically, one can install Kafka open source or confluent version on windows and Linux/Unix systems.
Implemented real time log analytics pipeline using Confluent Kafka, storm, elastic search.
JSON request/response from UI is processed using Spring MVC 3.0 Restful features and hibernate/JPA framework is used to save/retrieve the data in the backend
Spring Integration (Message Bus) is used to interact with various external systems to send and receive MQ messages and Web Service (soap) requests/responses
Drools rules engine is used validate input data and enrich data format required by external system
Spring Batch Item Reader, Item Processor, Item Writer used to process files

Environment: Agile (SCRUM), AngularJS, AJAX, Hibernate, Spring, Spring Batch, Spring Boot, Ruby, Spring Security, Servlet, XML, GIT, JSP, , PCF ,POS,Postman, Spring MVC, JDBC, Mockito, Python rea, eks,PL/SQL, Unix Shell Scripting, PHP, Cloudera JUnit, IBM WebSphere, Apache Camel, Restful, Log4J, SOA, Micro services, Swagger, JIRA, Spring Security, Jenkins and STS, Nodejs

Client: Health First, Rockledge, Florida May 2020 Jun 2021
Role: Senior Java Back End Developer

Implementation of the design wireframe using Angular and creating services and exposing it to the backend which runs on Spring Boot. Here we also have another layer that makes use of NodeJS mainly used for authentication, authorization and session maintenance.
Developed UI application initially using Angular and made use of customized components.
Implemented customer side validations using Angular and created services on UI for storing and retrieving data from UI to the backend.
Used React JS to create custom components for data manipulations and to display data in company standard format.
Ensured all EDI transactions adhered to HIPAA regulations by implementing secure data transmission protocols (e.g., AS2, SFTP, HTTPS) and robust encryption mechanisms.
Develop microservices in Java for core healthcare functions and use Ruby for auxiliary services, such as patient feedback forms and cross-platform integrations with mobile health applications.
Develop cross-platform POS applications using Java, compatible with Windows, Linux, and Android, ensuring broad usability in various retail environments
Was under migration of the project converting angular components and updating router Modules.
Developed key services for authorization and authentication in Node server, where we used LDAP. Later migrated the authentication from LDAP to Ping Access-SSO (Single Sign On) Application.
Created sessions for Login user and setting session timed out for the entire UI application.
Ran Log aggregations, website Activity tracking and commit log for distributed system using Apache Kafka.
Involved in innovation of the current UI to make an implementation under mobile device access using cross platform technologies such as Ionic which helps in improving the business.
Involve in development, design and implementation of the front-end application using HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, Bootstrap.
Build POCs to integrate new Java-based data processing systems with Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, validate security and compliance with HIPAA, or test machine learning models for diagnostics.
Made use of Reactive Forms using Angular where most of the validation is done using component rather than using template-driven which provides in HTML.
Created the React JS components and triggered Angular code to render the React components using life cycle hooks.
Mainly involved in deployment activities CI/CD deployment and familiar with OSE (Open shift origin). Also made changes in Jenkins Files as per the requirement of the pipeline.
Involved in web services design and development. Responsible for creating and consuming web services using REST and XML.
Implemented JavaEE components using Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring transactions and Spring security modules.
Developed custom EDI mapping solutions to transform data between healthcare systems and payer/provider standards using Java and integration frameworks.
Implemented transaction management using Spring AOP and used Spring Aspects for implementing logging functionalities.
Worked in integrating JMS with SPRING BOOT by providing an instance which is embed with Active MQ.
Implement Ruby-based scripts to automate data processing tasks, such as lab results entry or patient data extraction, reducing manual data handling in Java-powered healthcare applications.
Node Package Manager (NPM) was used to list out the right versions of the packages and their dependencies for the project.
Worked on a project which handles searching algorithms using Elastic Search which is mainly used for pulling analytics related information using the keywords entered by the end user.
Authenticating Users and to provide the security to RESTful web services using OAUTH 2.0.
Integrated the ORM Object Relational Mapping tool hibernate to the spring using Spring ORM in our app and used spring transaction API for database related transactions.
Configured JPA to use Hibernate as ORM tool.
Extensively used Spring IOC configured Application Context files and performed database object mapping using Hibernate annotations.
Implemented Spring Validators, persistence layer, and service layer components using Spring/Hibernate API and Spring/Hibernate annotations. Extensively used Hibernate QL.
Created persistence layer using Hibernate for sending and retrieving data from the database.
Written Stored Procedures using PL/SQL and functions and procedure for common utilities using Oracle11g and MySQL.
Developed and configured JMS components in WebLogic Application Server.
Developed test cases for each component in different panels using Junit, reported and deployed using Jenkins.
Worked with Jenkins Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD).
Designed and developed the framework to consume web services hosted in Amazon EC2 instances.
Building cloud Micro services and implemented back-end using Spring Boot. And Authored application using Spring Cloud services.
Used Apache Kafka in cluster as messaging system between APIs and micro services and worked on Splunk, SPL (Search process language) queries, reports and logging using Log4j.
Used Docker Container to address every application across the hybrid cloud and Docker for better collaboration and innovation.
Designed, configured and deployed Amazon Web Services (AWS) for a multitude of applications utilizing the AWS stack (Including EC2, S3), focusing on high-availability, fault tolerance, and auto-scaling.
Environment: Java, JavaScript, HTML5, CSS3-LESS, AJAX, ReactJS,Bootstrap, jQuery, Spring Security, Rabbit MQ, Node JS, Express JS, HTML5, Bootstrap, Site Minder, Hibernate4.x, OIDC, Jenkins, Log4j, MongoDB, Mongoose Connector, Oracle, JBoss, Elastic search, EBS, Elastic Load Balancer, Docker, Apache tomcat, Mockito, Junit, mock MVC, Kubernetes.

Client: Magnolia Oil & Gas, Houston, TX July 2018 Apr 2020
Role: Java Back End Developer


Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements gathering, modeling, analysis, design, development, and testing.
Developed the view-controller components using JSPs, HTML5, CSS3, AJAX, JavaScript (jQuery).
Implemented routing logic and navigation from screen to screen and implemented login functionality on the client side in AngularJS.
Hands-on experience in developing integration with Elastic search in any of the programming languages like JAVA and JavaScript. Having knowledge of advance reporting using Elastic search and Node JS.
Implemented core features of AngularJS framework such as dependency Injection, Data-binding, Filters, Directives, Templates, Services and Deep Linking Designing.
Used Java 1.8 features like stream and Lambda expressions.
Used Java 8 Method References feature to point to methods by their names and used functional Interfaces.
Used Spring MVC framework for implementing Model-View- Controller (MVC) architecture at the Web tier level to isolate each layer of the application so that complexity of integration will be reduced, maintenance will be very easy.
Used Spring AOP for solving crosscutting concerns like keeping logged data and transactions details etc.
Used Spring Batch for processing large amount of data like transaction management, job processing, resource management and logging.
Secured the API's by implementing Oauth2 token based authentication/authorization scheme using spring security.
Designed and developed third-party Payment services to Offer Users Convenient Payment Methods based on OAuth Protocol
Used Hibernate ORM framework as persistence engine and wrote Hibernate Queries to automate the mapping between Oracle database and Objects in Java.
Involved in writing SQL and Stored Procedures for handling complex queries with help of TOAD and access them through Java Programs from Oracle Database.
Worked with MongoDB to store non-relational data into collection and retrieve them whenever required.
Used WebLogic server to route our JMS queue messages to different business floors and configured routes in WebLogic and used JMS in e-mail notification.
Worked on setting up Maven scripts to build, package, and deploy application code to the target WebLogic Application Servers and worked on continuous integration servers like Jenkins.
Developed the monolithic application and involved in migrating existing monolithic application in to Micro Service Architecture based RESTful Service and deployments were done on AWS.
Designed and developed Micro Services business components using Spring Boot.
Hands on Coding to build REST Micro Services using Spring Cloud, Oracle, XSD, JSON, Spring Config, Cloud Foundry and Jenkins.
Responsible for creating an instance on Amazon EC2 (AWS) and deployed the application on it.
Installed, secured, and configured AWS cloud servers and Amazon AWS virtual servers (Linux).
Worked on AWS services to deploy static websites and dynamic Web Apps on EC2 using Elastic Beanstalk and Elastic Container Service-Docker.
Involved in creating EC2 instances and installed required configurations and applications on it and created S3 buckets for storing object level data into it.
Used AWS Cloud Watch to monitor the application and to store the logging information.
Developed API s to read and publish data from Elastic Search cluster using native Java Transport client as well as REST client. Worked on Spring Integration with the Elastic Search
Worked in Agile TDD environment using SDLC tools like GIT, Jira, Jenkins, and Maven for build packaging and deployments of the application components.

Environment: Agile methodology, Java 1.8, J2EE, Hibernate, Spring, XML, JSP, JAX-RS, Spring AOP, Spring security, Oracle, MongoDB, JSP, HTML, AJAX, JavaScript, jQuery, AngularJS 1.4, Docker, GIT, JIRA, PL/SQL, STS, JUnit, Log4J, Maven, Jenkins, WebLogic Application Server, AWS, Micro Services, EC2, S3, RDS, SQS

Client: Dedalus, India Nov 2015 Dec 2017
Role: Senior Software Developer

Involved in requirements gathering, detail analysis, estimates, functional design, technical design, and development
Developed and supported front end screens to be cross-browser & cross-platform based application while using JSP, Angular JS, XML, XHTML, CSS, JSON, DOM and AJAX
Responsible for implementing the dynamic page titles, UI refresh in the new UI using AngularJS and created the directives, services using AngularJS which can be re-used for the further development of the new pages and modules
Extensively involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) such as requirements analysis, design and implementation in agile environment
Developed client-side AJAX application that uses XSLT, XPath, Angular JS and more Bind objects and retrieve them via JNDI interface
Responsible for Postproduction activities like logging activities and monitoring the code using log element of VXML
Integrated the Application to the Genesys CTI using VXML
Worked on the enterprise application to make it compliance by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)
Worked with App-scan people to co-ordinate plans and guidelines for SQL Injections, Cross-site Scripting (XSS) and Cross-Frame Scripting (XFS) and Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) vulnerability
Implemented RESTful web service for the bulk loading of market data packages from database to in-memory cache
Responsible for modifying and extending open-source applications like Ruby
Developing high-quality Web applications while improving and maintaining an existing MVC code base in Ruby on Rails
Handled the tasks of developing and creating Ruby MYSQL applications as per the specifications
Used Spring Security and Spring LDAP for authentication authorization
Used Spring AOP for performance logging
Involved in consuming, producing SOAP based web services using JAX-WS and tested them using SOAPUI tool. And responsible for creation and consumption of Web services using SOAP, created WSDL files using XML Spy and integrated with Spring Web Services
Used spring core container to implement IOC concept to avoid tight coupling
Developed Controller classes and defined spring configuration mappings. And developed authentication, access control services, SSO and other Security features for the application using Spring security and Spring LDAP
Used Spring Async in a Stand-alone application for sending account balance or Client information via SMS, E-mail, Push notifications to users
Developed JSP pages using spring framework, Custom tags and JSTL and Used the components of SPRING Framework like SPRING MVC
Performed unit and regression testing in the application for bug fixing and better code review sessions
Created the DAO s to access the database using JDBC calls and Hibernate
Involved in writing SQL, Stored procedure and PL/SQL for back end. Used Views and Functions at the Oracle Database end. Modified the PL/SQL scripts for rebuilding the application Oracle Database
Implemented logger for debugging using Log4j. Performed Bugs/defects tracking and resolution using the IBM Rational Clear Quest
Worked on Web Logic application server for deploying the project
Fixed various browser compatibility issues to support the different versions of IE, Mozilla, and Chrome
Prepared the functional-design document for the various modules in the development
Responsible for documentation and implementation of multi-language to support the application

Environment: Java, MS SQL Server 2005, Rapid Application Developer, WebSphere Application Server 8.0, Spring IOC, Spring MVC, Spring Sync, JNDI, Hibernate, JSP, Tiles, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, JSON, JSF, JQuery, JUnit, Toad, Oracle 10g, SOAPUI, Nodejs

Client: Sinch, India Aug 2013 Oct 2015
Role: Software Developer

Developed the presentation tier using HTML, CSS, JSP, Servlets, JSTL, Ajax and Struts
Used Struts-Validator framework for all front-end Validations for all the form entries Involved writing code for Request Processor class to extend the functionality of struts Controller
Worked extensively with JSP s and Servlets to accommodate all presentation customizations on the front end
Used different Design patterns like MVC pattern, DAO pattern, and singleton to achieve clean separation of layers
Designed and developed the code using multithreading, Collections and other J2EE technologies
Accessed stored procedures and functions using JDBC Callable statements
Written and executed various SQL Queries and PL\SQL programs to retrieve the data from the database Oracle
Used Log4j, Junit and developed unit test cases to monitor the application functionality
Used Tomcat as a server to deploy the application

Environment: Struts, Core-JAVA, JSP, Servlets, JDBC, ORM, oracle, Multi- Threading, Collections, PL/SQL, Design, Analysis, XML, XSLT, IBM WebSphere, Log4J, Junit, ANT, Eclipse
Keywords: cprogramm cplusplus continuous integration continuous deployment user interface message queue javascript sthree database rlang information technology microsoft procedural language Colorado Texas

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