srikanth reddy - java full stack developer |
[email protected] |
Location: Chicago, Illinois, USA |
Relocation: yes |
Visa: H1B |
Srikanth Reddy Jinnaram
Sr. Java Full Stack Developer [email protected] 617-993-4995 Professional Summary: Around 8 years of experience in developing Web-based Applications, Enterprise Applications and Client Server Applications in JAVA/J2EE environment using Agile methodologies practices. Experience in Agile software development process, Test Driven Development, Pair programming and Part of Scrum, Sprint review, Retrospection and Virtual Closure meetings as a part of Agile. Strong programming skills in Java 8/10, J2EE, J2SE with extensive ability to develop scalable applications using Core Java concepts like OOPS, Multithreading, Collections Framework, Exceptional Handling and JAVA Concurrent Multi-Threading. Worked on Java10 features like local variable type interference, application class-data sharing and experimental features like Java-Based JIT compiler. Worked on Lambda Expressions, Functional interfaces Stream API's, Time API, and Improvements on Collection, Concurrency, and IO improvements by using Java 8. Experience in Web application development using JDBC, Servlets, JSP, MVC, JSON, SOAP, REST, Spring, Hibernate, JavaScript, AngularJS, AJAX, XML, HTML5, CSS3, Angular9/10, React, Nodejs. Experience in working with Angular 10 modules, services, templates, controllers, events, directives, services, and dependency injection to create a Single Page Applications, hands-on with Angular CLI Extensive knowledge of MVC architecture and J2EE Design Patterns. Hands-on experience in Front-End technologies like Angular10/9, React Bootstrap, HTML5, NodeJS, JavaScript, CSS3, jQuery, Tag Libraries, Ajax, Ext JS for Responsive web design, XML, XSLT. Expertise in and have Strong understanding of Software Development principles such as SOLID, DRY and TDD and their application in Spring Boot Development. Expertise in Deploying the Spring Boot applications to production environments, both on-premises and in the cloud, using Docker and Kubernetes. Used Spring Data JPA module for easy integration with the Java persistence API for managing relational data in object-oriented manner. Used Spring Boot s testing framework for unit tests, integration tests, and end-to-end tests. Knowledge in Docker Components like Docker Engine, Docker Hub, Virtual Machine and Docker Registry, Docker containerized applications and deploying Chef-Server on AWS. Proficient in using Amazon Web Services AWS. Extensive experience in focusing on services like EC2, VPC, Cloud Watch, CloudFront, IAM, S3, Amazon RDS, Elastic Cache, SNS, SQS. Hands on experience application and Web servers IBM Web Sphere Application Server, WebLogic, JBoss, and Tomcat, Oracle Web Tier, Apache Web Server, Klone, X5 Web Server. Worked in a CI/CD environment with Jenkins, Maven, AWS and Terraform. Used a Microservice architecture with Spring Boot based services interacting through a combination of REST to build, test and deploy identity Microservices. Excellent experience with major relational databases Oracle 10g/11g, SQL Server, DB2, My SQL. Good working experience in No-SQL Databases including MongoDB, Cassandra, and DynamoDB. Extensive Experience in retrieving and manipulating data from backend using Database SQL queries, PL/SQL- Stored Procedures, Functions, Sequences, Triggers and Packages. Hands-on experience with source control tools like CVS, Clear Case, SVN, Git and Perforce. Technical Skills: Languages Java 8, Java10, J2EE, SQL, and PL/SQL Enterprise Java JSP, Servlet, JNDI, JDBC, Java security and JSF Mark-up/XM L Technologies XML, XSD, XSL/XSLT, SAX/DOM, JSON Web Technologies HTML5, CSS 3/4, Java Script, jQuery, Ajax, Bootstrap, Angular10/9/4/2, ReactJS, NodeJS Tools & Framework Struts, Spring, Hibernate, Spring Boot Netflix, Spring Batch, Spring Boot Data, Spring MVC, Spring HATEOAS, Spring Web Flow, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, JMS, JSF, Log4J, Spring Boot, Spring Cloud, Spring Batch, Spring Security. Web services SOAP, Restful, UDDI, WSDL, JAX-RPC, JAX-RS JAX-WS, JAX-B, Axis2, Jersey, Micro Services Architecture Web/App Servers Web Sphere, Apache Tomcat, JBoss, WebLogic Databases Oracle, My SQL, SQL Server, IBM DB2, PostgreSQL, MongoDB and DynamoDB. Development Tools Eclipse, Net Beans, IntelliJ, RAD and Spring Tool Suite (STS). O-R mapping Hibernate, MyBatis and JPA Testing Tools/ Others JUnit, Soap UI, Mockito, Log4j and JIRA Version Control CVS, SVN, GIT, Rational Clear Case, GitHub Methodologies Agile, Scrum, Waterfall OS & Environment Windows, UNIX, Linux, and Mac Cloud Technologies AWS EC2, S3, Elastic Beanstalk EBS, Elastic Load Balancing ELB, API-Gateway, Cloud Foundry Professional Experience: Client: Walgreens, Malvern, PA Jan 2024 - Present Role: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer Responsibilities: Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes requirement gathering, modelling, analysis, architecture design and prototyping. Used AGILE software development methodology which helps to develop project plans. Implemented applications business logic using Angular10 components, services, and directives. Maintained code quality of the application ensuring that it s scalable using Angular10. Upgraded from Java 8 to Java 10 Stream API, Garbage-Collector improvements, Local variable type interface and Application Class-Data sharing for implementing business logic and validations to be used while workflow execution and collected stream pipelines. Built RESTFUL API s using Java10 APIs to create well-structured web services and utilized the API S for database access and storage including Hibernate and JPA frameworks. Developed the monolithic application and involved in migrating existing monolithic applications into Micro Service Architecture based RESTful Service and deployments. Utilized Spring Boot s dependency injection and auto-configuration capabilities to simplify the application development and improve the quality of the code. Developed Microservices using Spring Boot, Spring Security, Eureka and deployed to AWS. Designed and developed Micro Services business components using Spring Boot. Responsible for implementing Rest based Microservices using Spring Data and Spring Security. Implemented interceptors using Hibernate and build and release Spring Boot framework. Built Batch jobs using Spring Batch for retry mechanism to ensure reliable processing of data. Involved in writing Java API for Amazon Lambda to manage some of the AWS services. Built and Deployed Docker images on AWS ECS and automated the CI-CD pipeline. In a production environment, the application was managed, monitored and health metrics using Spring Boot Actuator. Worked and created Organizations, Taxonomies, and Asset Types for each stakeholder and Integration with XML. Involved in documenting Web Services using Spring Boot Swagger and created the Swagger files to configure the definition objects or parameters of service end points and used Swagger as a markdown tool to generate markdown pages to a static website. Integrated the Drools and JBPM to application framework, which involved dynamic creation of knowledgebase and Knowledge session. Troubleshooting and monitoring API proxies running on APIGEE using Trace tool. Created automated pipelines in AWS Code Pipeline to deploy Docker containers in AWS ECS using services like CloudFormation, Code Build, Code Deploy, S3 and puppet. Object storage service Amazon S3 is used to store and retrieve media files such as images. Installed, Configured and Managed Docker Containers, Docker Images for Web Servers, and Applications servers such as Apache, Tomcat using Docker and integrated with Amazon MySQL RDS database. Experienced and proficient deploying and administering GIT. Proficient with container systems like Docker and container orchestration like EC2 Container Service, Kubernetes, worked with Terraform templates to infrastructure. Used Jenkins pipelines to drive all micro services builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, Created Pods and managed using Kubernetes. Used Hibernate Transaction Management, Hibernate Batch Transactions, cache concepts. Involved in implementing DAO layers using JPA standards and Hibernate API interfaces between Oracle database and Objects in Java. Designed and implemented high-performance Kafka clusters to handle large volumes of data. Used Kafka monitoring tools to troubleshoot and optimize Kafka clusters. Implemented security features such as SSL encryption and authentication in Kafka cluster. Involved in writing SQL and Stored Procedures for handling complex queries with help of TOAD and accessing them through Java Programs from Oracle Database. Performed Unit testing, Integration Testing and of test cases for web applications using JUnit. Gathered Requirements by interacting with business users and Business Analysts. Created SQL queries, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions for the Database layer by studying the required business objects and validating them with Stored Procedures using Hibernate provider. Environment: JDK 10, Spring Boot, Spring Netflix, Spring Batch, Spring AOP, Hibernate 4.5, Web Services, Apache CXF, AJAX, Airflow, UML, COBOL, MS Visio, Oracle 11g, Angular 10, Junit, NPM, SOAPUI 5.1, Log4j 2, Maven 3.1, Bootstrap, Typescript, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS4, Jenkins, Splunk, Kubernetes, RESTful API, Kafka. Client: Discover Chicago, IL March 2023 Dec 2023 Role: Sr. Java Full Stack Developer Responsibilities: Involved in various phases of Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) which includes requirement gathering, modelling, analysis, architecture design and prototyping. Used AGILE software development methodology which helps to develop project plans. Designed Prototype, project layout skeletons jQuery, CSS3, HTML5, XML, DHTML and JavaScript. Developed Single Page Applications (SPA s) using Angular 9 Created Multiple & Nested Views, Routing, Controllers, Services and Custom Directives, Bower, and Grunt. Analysis, Design, Development and Maintenance of XML, web services, and Flat File integrations. Worked on Code builds, and code changes are made in JavaScript, Python and Shell scripts. Developed Reference Implementation Integrations for each kind of existing Staples Integration scenarios with XML. Implemented routing logic, navigations, and login functionality on client side in Angular 9. Built RESTful web service by building Node.js Server in the back end to handle requests sent from the front-end Angular 9 components and AJAX calls. Have extensively used Java8 Streams, Lambda Functions, Predicates, Functional Interfaces, Method References, Filters, Collections and Default Methods. Implemented modules using Core Java APIs, Java collection, Java 8, and object-oriented designs. Created RFP (Request for Proposal) Microservice to provide RESTful API utilizing Spring Boot. Responsible for developing the sequential and conditional batch jobs using the Spring batch. Used a Microservice architecture, with Spring Boot-based services interacting through a combination of REST and Apache Kafka message brokers. Implemented the Model View Controller using Spring MVC and implemented design patterns. Used Spring as the MVC model and Spring AOP for common cross cutting concerns like security. Developed Microservices to AWS using Spring Boot, Spring Security, Eureka, HATEOAS Responsible for implementing Rest based Microservices using Spring Data and Spring Security. Used Spring (IOC) for injecting the beans and reduced the coupling between the classes. Implemented interceptors using Hibernate and build and release Spring Boot framework. Used Hibernate Transaction Management, Hibernate Batch Transactions, cache concepts. Involved in implementing DAO layers using JPA standards and Hibernate API interfaces. Developed Open stack API to integrate with Amazon EC2 cloud-based architecture in AWS, creating machine Images. Used shell scripting and YAML scripting to build docker images in LINUX. Experience with Eclipse toolbar, open the drop-down Amazon Web Services menu (identified by the AWS icon) and select the new AWS Lambda Java project. Developed Open stack API to integrate with Amazon EC2 cloud-based architecture in AWS, including creating machine Images and Docker Images. Migrating from Gitlab to docker and implementing Gitlab inside docker. Worked on creation of custom Docker container images, tagging, and pushing the images. Integrated PostgreSQL with java-based web applications ORM frameworks like Hibernate to simplify database interactions and improve development productivity. Implemented advanced PostgreSQL features such as triggers, stored procedures, and full-text search capabilities for sophisticated data processing and analysis. Develop RESTFUL Web Services interface supporting both XML and JSON to publish printing machines operational data, also developed the code to interact with other web services. Working on RESTful web services, exclusively consuming REST API with Asynchronous behavior. Strong understanding of JSON based RESTful web-services, integrating with the front-end. Use Jenkins with Maven to Compile & Build Microservices code and configure Build Triggers. JSON output was tested using Advanced REST Client or POSTMAN. Created SQL queries, PL/SQL Stored Procedures, Functions for the Database layer by studying business objects, validating with Stored Procedures using JPA with Hibernate provider. Wrote SQL queries and developed the back-end programs in PL-SQL for this application. Worked on GIT for version control and bug tracking. Worked on Code integration and deployment tool JENKINS. Used Protractor framework for testing angular frameworks. Performed Unit testing, Integration and generating of test cases for web applications using JUnit. Gathered Requirements by interacting with business users and Business Analysts. Environment: JDK 1.8, Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring AOP, Hibernate 4.5, JAX-RS Web Services, JAX-WS Web Services, Spring Batch, Apache CXF, AJAX, UML, MS Visio, COBOL, JBoss, Eclipse 4.2, Junit, NPM, SOAPUI 5.1, Log4j 2, Maven 3.1, Bootstrap, Typescript, MongoDB, HTML5, CSS3, Toad, Jenkins, RESTful API, Sun Jersey, Junit 4.1, Power mock, Selenium, Angular9, GIT, Chef, JMeter, Apache Kafka, AWS, PostgreSQL, Jasmine. Client: Webhelp India private limited, India March 2020- Dec 2022 Role: Sr. Java/ J2EE Full Stack Developer Responsibilities: Followed Agile methodology for iterative development of application to meet deadlines to achieve qualified product. Used GitHub as a repository where GIT is integrated into IntelliJ to maintain code. Participated in Sprint planning, Product backlog meetings, Sprint review, retrospective meetings. Developed the User Interface using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and enhanced response using twitter Bootstrap. Used jQuery in directly manipulating the DOM yet separating the ReactJS Components. Implemented predefined components from NPM (Node package Manager) and redux library. Developed several Restful web services using JAX-RS API maintained JSON and XML namespaces. Implemented marshalling and Unmarshalling of java object with JAXB API features and produced JAXB classes through XSD schema using OAuth and API Design. Developed helper classes needed Core Java multi-threaded programming and Collection classes. Implemented Spring MVC framework in the presentation tier for all the essential control flow, business level validations and for communicating with the business layer. Implemented the application using Spring MVC Framework and handled the authentication, authorization, and access-control features by using Spring Security. To maintain loose coupling between layers published the business layer as services and injected the necessary components using Spring IOC and published cross cutting concerns using Spring AOP. Used Spring IOC feature to get a hibernate session factory and resolve other bean dependencies. Experienced in creating the Hibernate POJO Objects and mapped using Hibernate Annotations. Implemented Windows Client as S3 browser (AWS) to check the server logs and Experienced working with database setup and maintenance on AWS EC2. Designed and developed system used for AWS Elastic Environments, including monitoring individual instance, managing individual components and SNS, SQS for asynchronous workflow. Implemented MongoDB as data storage and utilized aspects like replica sets, sharding, and clever document design to make service extensible scale and feature wise. Stored schema-less data in MongoDB database, enabled full-text search using Elastic Search stack. Experienced in JMS over messaging to exchange information in more reliable and asynchronous way in enterprise Applications. Implemented Find Bugs, sonar Lint plugin for code quality, Fortify scan and Sonar Qube for the Jenkins. Involved in code reviews and code verification to ensure the code breakage and memory leakages. Built Docker Images, used Docket Repository, open shift console to maintain Docker Images. Developed Junit and Spock test cases to ensure Unit testing, Component, and integration testing. Implemented Test-Driven-Development (TDD) to meet all types of test scenarios. Developed Automated testing framework to test the flow for Restful webservices using selenium. Expertise on entire Intranet and Internet applications using Web and Application server TOMCAT. Used Postman interfaces to hit the endpoint of different services to test perfect response. Environment: Java, J2EE, Spring framework, REST Web Services, AWS (Cloud Front, S3 Storage, EC2, SNS, SQS), JSON, Hibernate, Agile Methodology, IntelliJ IDEA, Maven, MongoDB, Elastic Search, Oracle DBMS, MongoDB HTML5, CSS3, Java Script, jQuery, ActiveMQ, ReactJS, Bootstrap, OpenShift, Docker, Oracle, SQL, PL/SQL, Windows, XML, GitHub, Web Services, Soap UI, Postman, Spock, Splunk, JMeter and Dynatrace, TOMCAT. Client: Concentrix, India Oct 2018 Jan 2020 Role: Sr. Java/J2EE Developer Responsibilities: Involved in system support and maintenance services such as defect fixing, enhancements, testing and documentation. Participated in requirements gathering, analysis, design, and testing phases. Designed use case diagrams, class diagrams, and sequence diagrams as a part of Design phase. Developed Presentation Tier using Struts Tag-libs, Tiles, and JSP pages integrating AJAX, Custom Tag's, JSTL, HTML, DHTML and JavaScript. Apache Axis to generate WSDL and web Service clients. Implemented applications business logic using Angular4 components, services, and directives. Maintained code quality of the application ensuring that its scalable using Angular4. Developed the entire application implementing MVC Architecture integrating Hibernate. Used JNDI to perform lookup services for the various components of the system. Developed the Enterprise Java Beans to handle different transactions such as bill payments. Extensively used Java Collections APIs & Multi-threading in handling batch service requests. Worked extensively on Multi-threading and Concurrency for implementing Batch Job Scheduling. Extensive use of SQL queries using PL/SQL and SQL Loader to load large volumes of flat file data. Update the data from PostgreSQL database automatically by the time detective function. Developed deployment descriptors for the EJB must deploy on Web Sphere Application Server. Developed mule flows for asynchronous messaging, data transformation, and batch processing. Sent messages to Akka actors using Tell and Ask patterns. Monitored the session logs/log files in Informatica Workflow Monitor. Used Apache Log4J for logging. Extensively used Informatica client tools. The objective is to extract data stored in Oracle database. Experienced with Jenkins methodologies includes CI/CD. Built RESTAPI for various concepts. Creating JMeter test file dynamically for the sniffed capture. Developed code for handling bean references in spring framework using Dependency Injection, IOC using annotations. Data Access layer development using Hibernate to communicate with the Oracle. Customized Selenium API to suit in testing environment. Configured server setting and Database. Environment: Java, J2ee WebLogic Server, Multi-threading, Angular4, Sybase Adaptive Server, Agile, Spring- Core, Spring-JDBC, JMeter, Spring-JMS, JMS, JAXB, JAX-WS, Perl (5.8), SOAP, WSDL, XSD, XSL, XSLT, Client: Wipro Limited, India March 2017 Oct 2018 Position: Web Developer Responsibilities: Gathering the Requirements, Design, Analysis, Development, Data Validation and System Testing. Designed Functional Specs and Design Specs with Uses Cases and Data modeling using UML. Database used was SQL and Oracle 9g. Created complex stored procedures and imported them into the Cogon s Framework Manager. Created web pages for several small-scale start-ups using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Bootstrap. Implemented and developed UI components using AngularJS features like DI, Models, data binding and controllers. Developed various screens using AngularJS. Involved in planning, updating, and binding the code from AngularJS to Angular2. Implemented applications business logic using Angular2 components, services, and directives. Maintained code quality of the application ensuring that its scalable using Angular2. Worked in Core Java applying the Object-oriented programming principles effectively. Performed validations at both the client side and the server-side layers. Participated in designing of the portals as well as participated in POCs for the UI/UX designs. Made code changes and worked with Nimsoft team for enabling incident management. Nimsoft Monitors logs database, servers and raised alerts based on threshold set. Developing Maven scripts to automate compilation, deployment, and testing of J2EE applications. Used IntelliJ IDE to develop and deploy the application code. Participated and explained the salient features of completed user stories the product owner in show and tell sessions at the end of each sprint. Environment: Java, J2EE, AngularJS, Angular2, Maven, Restful, IntelliJ, Spring SQL, Oracle 9g, Stored Procedures, Congo s report studio, cogno s framework manager. Education: Master in Computer Science , 2024 Lewis University, 1 University Pkwy, Romeoville, IL 60446. Bachelor s in computer science, Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment user interface user experience javascript sthree rlang information technology microsoft procedural language Illinois Pennsylvania |