
Prashant - Java Developer
[email protected]
Location: Dallas, Texas, USA
Visa: H1B
Experience in Java/J2EE/Full Stack Developer with expertise in Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) include requirements definition, design, implementation, testing, maintenance and enhancing existing systems.
Proficient in AGILE methodologies like SCRUM, Test Driven Development (TDD) software development processes.
Experience in developing complex Web Applications and interactive software products using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Typescript, Angular 12+, React.js and Node.js.
Developed functionalities using React.js class components and functional components. Used the concepts of react properties like components, states, props, interfaces, and refs.
Developed user-friendly dynamic UI widgets and modules using React-JS libraries and custom hooks and made them cross-browsers consistent.
Hands-on experience on React custom hooks (State Hook, Ref Hooks and so on) to use state and lifecycle methods inside functional components.
Worked on Typescript new features like type restrictions, decorators, arrow functions, interfaces, and modules.
Hands-on experience in designing, developing, and maintaining scalable and high-performance web applications and APIs using Node.js, Express.js and GraphQL Apollo server.
Developed authentication and authorization security configurations in the frontend using Node.js, Passport and Express.js.
Hands-on Experience on Amazon Web Services (AWS) like ECS orchestration, CloudFormation, Terraform, IAM roles and Policies, Security Group s and ASG s, EC2, S3 bucket, RDS, SQS, Elastic Load Balancer, Dynamo DB, through AWS Console and API Integration.
Hands-on experience deploying the applications through AWS resources, Route 53 and CNAME configurations for various domains,
Hands-on experience with Azure services Kubernetes(K8), connect to azure pods and clusters using K-Connect from local.
Experience with Azure Helm deployments and configurations. Creating and onboarding U-Deploy components for Prod and Non-prod Deployments.
Managed Docker orchestration and Docker containerization using Kubernetes(K8S) and AWS ECS.
Implement GraphQL Apollo client server layer to allow retrieval and updated of user interactions by defining GraphQL types, resolvers (queries and mutations) maintaining minimal calls to databases.
Hands-on experience on different Java frameworks like spring (SPRING BOOT, SPRING IOC, Spring JMS, Spring Batch) and ORM frameworks like HIBERNATE, Open JPA.
Experience working with JAVA 1.8 and implemented its features like LAMBDA EXPRESSIONS, Time API, STREAMS, FUNCTIONAL INTERFACES, collectors, default methods, type interfaces and for-each loop.
Extensive experience in using various design patterns such as MVC, Singleton, Session, DAO, IOC and in the development of multi-Tier distributed Enterprise Applications.
Experience in development and implementation of RESTFUL and SOAP Web Services with JAX-RS, Spring and Spring Boot.
Experience in MICRO SERVICES and SPRING BOOT application development.
Experience with RDBMS concepts like writing SQL Queries. Working experience of Relational DBMS like MySQL, ORACLE SQL, SQL Server (MS SQL) and NoSQL DBMS like Dynamo-DB, Postgres-DB.
Hands-on experience on IBM Master Data Management (MDM) for managing trusted data across the organization.
Knowledge of implementing a custom Node JS script to act as a PROXY for connecting to the server.
Hands-on experience on Lambda functions and Serverless Framework to develop and deploy independent functionalities.
Hand on experience in creating components using Angular 12 at runtime as a Data-Driven model.
Integrated SonarQube with Jenkins for continuous inspection of code quality and analysis with SonarQube scanner for Maven.
Hands-on Experience deploying the applications using Jenkins-Core and Jenkins-Enterprise pipelines.
Worked proficiently with various IDEs including ECLIPSE, VS Code, IntelliJ IDEA.
Hands-on experience creating paginated documents, reports, statements, and dashboards in various formats such as PDF, HTML, Excel using Jasper Reports.
Hands on experience in software configuration and change control process and version tools like GIT, GIT Bash, SOURCETREE and JENKINS for continuous integration.
Experience with JUNIT, LOG4j in developing test cases and determining application functionality.
Having Experience on UNIX commands and Deployment of Applications in Server.
Good understanding of Business workflow, Business logic and Business methods for further implementation of user requirement in a distributed application environment.
Ability to learn and adapt quickly to new emerging technologies and paradigms.

Master of Science (Computer Science) from University of Central Missouri, Missouri, MO - May 2019.
Bachelor of Pharmacy from Osmania University, Hyderabad, India - June 2010.

Languages Java/J2EE (8/11/17), JavaScript, TypeScript, SQL
Technologies REST, HTML, CSS, XML, XSD, JSON, JAX-B, Jackson
Cloud Amazon Web Service (AWS), Azure-Cloud
Tools Eclipse, Visual Studio Code (VS Code), IntelliJ IDEA, KARMA, SPLUNK
Frameworks Spring MVC, Spring Boot, Jersey, Angular (14/16), React.js, Node.js, Hibernate, GraphQL, MyBatis, J-unit, Mockito, Jasmine
Databases MySQL, Oracle, NoSQL (Dynamo-DB), Postgres-DB
Operating system Mac OS X, Windows 7, 10
Web/App Servers Apache Tomcat, WebLogic, IBM WebSphere, AWS
Container Technologies Docker, Kubernetes (K8S), Elastic Container Services (ECS)
Build Tools Maven, Gradle, ANT
Version Control GIT, S3, Bitbucket, GitHub, GitLab
Methodologies Agile (JIRA & Kanban Board), Waterfall
CI/CD Tool Jenkins

Capital One, Texas & Richmond, VA March 2020 to Present
Java Full Stack Developer
Project Title: DRONE (Disaster Recovery at Capital One), RAPTOR (Trex), ODM (One Data Management)

Client Description: Capital One Financial Corporation is an American bank holding company specializing in credit cards, auto loans, banking, and savings accounts, headquartered in McLean, Virginia with operations primarily in the United States. It is on the list of largest banks in the United States and has developed a reputation for being a technology focused bank.

Roles and Responsibilities in the Project:
Actively involved in Analysis, Design, Development, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing.
Used Agile Methodologies to manage the full life cycle development of the project.
Developed the application with various Spring Framework modules like Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, Spring Security.
Enhanced the user interface for customer channels with desktop and mobile responsiveness using Angular 12+, SFX, HTML, CSS, Java Script and Typescript.
Worked on web services (REST) and associated business modules integration.
Expertise using Rest Controller in Spring framework to create RESTful Webservices and JSON objects for communication.
Performed CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on RESTful webservices.
Extensively worked on Java 1.8 features such as Lambda Expressions for making anonymous inline function calls by using functional interfaces which makes code readable and concise, advanced for each loop, and streams.
Implemented Core Java concepts like Multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling and Collections whenever necessary.
Implemented the best practices in coding like removing unnecessary casting, using generics in HashMap, caching, Collections like sort, comparator, list, set and Design patterns.
Used Angular 12+ built in Directives, Controllers and Services and filter functionality to develop UI.
Involved in the UI interface and web pages creation using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Angular 12+.
Develop various UI templates using Angular-12+ built in Directives, Controllers and Services.
Develop user-friendly dynamic UI widgets and modules using React-JS libraries and custom hooks and made them cross-browsers consistent.
Worked on Typescript new features like type restrictions, decorators, arrow functions, interfaces and modules.
Developed authentication and authorization security configurations in the frontend using Node.js, Passport and Express.js.
Proficient in building RESTful and GraphQL APIs, integrating databases, implementing security best practices, and optimizing application performance.
Implemented GraphQL Apollo client server layer to allow retrieval and updated of user interactions by defining GraphQL types, resolvers (queries and mutations) maintaining minimal calls to databases.
Used MyBatis framework for Entity Relational Mapping and MySQL database for data persistence.
Extensively used SQL scripts and stored procedures to interact with MySQL.
Used AJAX calls for data updates in UI along with JSON data parsing.
Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2, S3, RDS, Cloud Watch and Cloud Front Template for creating and updating instances.
Experienced in Standard authentication protocol OAuth 2.0.
Used Eclipse and IntelliJ IDE as development tools and Apache Maven for software build.
Implemented coding standards and refactoring in every stage to provide flawless code.
Version control and Management is done using GitHub Enterprise (GIT), Log4J for logging errors and messages and Mockito framework Junit for unit testing.
AWS services (EC2, ECS, cloud formation templates) are used as a resource to deploy the Applications.
Worked extensively with Jenkins for Continuous Integration and Deployment (CI/CD) of the application.
Used JIRA for project management, Issue tracking and monitoring errors and fixed the errors.
Environment: Java/J2EE, JDK 1.8/11/17, Spring Framework (Spring MVC, Spring Boot and Microservices), Angular 14/16, Node.js, React.js, Graph-QL, SQL, Dynamo-DB, Maven, Hibernate, OAuth 2.0, Linux, Docker, GITHUB, Shell scripting, TDD, Internal Artifactories (NPM, MAVEN, DOCKER), AWS (EC2, S3, IAM, ECS, AWS CLI), CI/CD Jenkins, Log4j, MySQL, PostgresDB, Agile/ Scrum (JIRA), Eclipse, VS Code, DBeaver.

AT&T, Plano, TX August 2019 to March 2020
Java Full Stack Developer
Project Title: Fall-Out-Management (FOM)

Client Description: AT&T Communications is the world's largest telecommunications company, the largest provider of mobile telephone services, and the largest provider of fixed telephone in the United States, headquartered in Dallas Downtown, Texas. AT&T is ranked # 9 on the Fortune 500 rankings of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.

Roles and Responsibilities in the Project:
Worked on AGILE methodology and JIRA tool for Issue/bug tracking and monitoring of work assignment in the system.
Experienced in Web designing and development using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Angular 12+, JSON and AJAX.
Developed Angular services making use of resource service to perform REST API calls to the backend.
Experience in Core Java concepts such as OOPS Concepts, Collections Framework, and Exception Handling, I/O System, Multi-Threading, JDBC.
Implemented Java8 features in developing code like Lambda expressions.
Re-factoring of monolithic applications M2E to a Microservices and Component based architectures.
Experienced developing messaging module by Kafka and RabbitMQ API to send and receive message for the application s restful API (JAX-RS specification).
Worked on WebSphere MQ and involved in configuring MDB listeners, JMS resources, and queues and integrating with the WebSphere Application Server.
Experience on AWS EC2, Amazon S3, Amazon Elastic Load balancing and other parts of AWS infrastructure.
Deployed the application on Amazon Web services (AWS) to provide a large computing capacity for scalable solutions.
Experience with container-based deployments using Docker, working with Docker images, Docker Hub and Docker-registries and Kubernetes.
Used Jenkins pipelines (Eco-Pipelines) to drive all micro services builds out to the Docker registry and then deployed to Kubernetes, created pods, and managed using Kubernetes.
Developed several REST web services supporting both XML and JSON to perform tasks.
Used REST Client and POSTMAN to test the rest-based services and used Junit and Mockito to test the middleware services.
Hands-on experience with IBM Master Data Management (IBM-MDM) for obtaining the single view trusted data across the applications.
Worked on consolidating, structuring and data-accessibility across the platforms for various applications to have the data synchronization for applications data fetch using IBM-MDM.
Integrated the IBM-infosphere data management solution with Rest APIs for enhanced response for the client requirements and performance.
Consolidated the reports of the data generated through IBM-MDM for data-analysis across the organization.
Involved in writing and executing stored procedures, functions, and triggers for Oracle.
Created Jenkins CICD pipelines for continuous build & deployment and integrated Junit and SonarQube plugins in Jenkins for automated testing and for Code quality check.
Used Jenkins Jobs for build automation to compile and generate EAR and WAR files.
Maven was used to write the build scripts.
Implemented log4j to print the logging, debugging, warning and info statements.
Fixed defects Identified in Production and QA environments; Defects were tracked in Jira tracking Portal.
Environment: Java, Maven, Spring Framework (Spring MVC, Spring Boot and Microservices), Linux, SonarQube, WebSphere MQ, Oracle, IBM WebSphere, IBM Rad, IBM Infosphere MDM, TOAD, GITLAB, Shell scripting, WLST, Nexus Repository, AWS (EC2, S3, IAM, Elastic Beanstalk), Docker, CI/CD Jenkins, Oracle, Kubernetes, Agile/ Scrum (JIRA).

MetLife, Carey, NC Jan 2019 April 2019
Role: Java/J2EE/Full Stack Developer
MetLife is among the largest global providers of insurance, annuities, and employee benefit programs, with 90 million customers in over 60 countries. MetLife ranked No. 43 in the 2018 Fortune 500 list of the largest United States corporations by total revenue.

Actively involved in Analysis, Design, Development, System Testing and User Acceptance Testing.
Used Agile Methodologies to manage the full life cycle development of the project.
Developed the application with various Spring Framework modules like Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot, Spring Security.
Worked on web services (REST) and associated business modules integration.
Enhanced the user interface for customer channels with desktop and mobile responsiveness using SFX, HTML, Angular 12+, CSS, JavaScript and jQuery.
Expertise using Rest Controller in Spring framework to create Restful Webservices and JSON objects for communication.
Performed CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations on RESTful web services.
Extensively worked on Java 1.8 features such as Lambda Expressions for making anonymous inline function calls by using functional interfaces which makes code readable and concise, advanced for each loop, and streams.
Implemented Core Java concepts like Multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling and Collections whenever necessary.
Implemented the best practices in coding like removing unnecessary casting, using generics in HashMap, caching, Collections like sort, comparator, list, set and Design patterns.
Involved in the UI interface and web pages creation using HTML, CSS, JavaScript and Angular 12+.
Used Hibernate framework for Entity Relational Mapping and Oracle 12c database for data persistence.
Extensively used HQL and SQL and stored procedures to interact with Oracle.
Used AJAX calls for data updates in UI along with JSON data parsing.
Migrated the Application to AWS cloud. Used Amazon Web Services (AWS) like EC2, S3, RDS, Cloud Watch and CloudFront for promoting code in various environments.
Used Eclipse as a development tool, Version control and Management is done using Bitbucket (GIT), Apache Maven for software build, Log4J for logging errors and messages and Mockito framework Junit for unit testing.
Apache Tomcat is used as a Server to Deploy the Application.
Worked extensively with Jenkins for Continuous Integration and Deployment of the application.
Used JIRA for project management, Issue tracking and monitoring errors and fixed the errors.
Environment: Java 1.8, Spring Framework (Spring MVC, Spring IOC, Spring AOP, Spring Boot), Hibernate, JSP, Web Services (REST), AWS (EC2, S3, IAM, Elastic Beanstalk), HTML, CSS3, Apache Tomcat, Angular 12+, XML, AJAX, jQuery, Oracle 12c, Maven, Log4j, JavaScript, Junit, Jenkins, GIT, WebLogic Server, Agile/ Scrum (JIRA).

Synovus Bank, Columbus GA July 2016- Dec 2017
Role: Java Developer
The Synovus Financial Corporation is a financial services company with approximately $45 billion in assets based in Columbus, Georgia. Synovus provides commercial and retail banking, investment, and mortgage services through 249 branches and 335 ATMs in Georgia, Alabama, South Carolina, Florida, and Tennessee.

Involved in different phases of the Software Development Life Cycle process using Agile Methodology.
Moving existing monolithic architecture to microservices and migrating them to AWS cloud.
Involved in the presentation layer using HTML5, CSS3, Angular and client validation using JavaScript.
Developed spring boot application using microservices architecture with Spring Eureka to maintain small and lightweight services and communication between these services are done by using API routes for the entire cluster.
jQuery library and Angular components have been used for creation of powerful dynamic Web Pages and web applications by using its advanced and cross browser functionality.
Knowledge on using NodeJS and NPM packages to integrate new functionality.
Created and configured AWS Elastic Load Balancers and auto scaling groups to distribute the traffic and to have a cost efficient, fault tolerant and available environment.
Designed and developed the Restful based Microservices using the Spring Boot and Spring Cloud using Thymeleaf as a view layer to render web pages.
Exceptionally handled heavy traffic with the help of Spring Ribbon and Spring Eureka service.
Implemented RESTful web services using Jersey API and JSON.
Created stored procedures, functions and packages and coded scripts to create new tables, views, queries for new enhancement in the application using TOAD.
Used validators, converters, jQuery and JavaScript inbuilt functions in the application for validation.
WebLogic is used as an Application Server to Deploy the Application.
Involved in developing microservices integrated with Jenkins for CI/CD by automating the build/release process.
Used GITHUB as a version control tool and JIRA for project management.
Environment: Java/J2EE, Microservices Architecture, Spring framework (Spring Boot, Spring MVC, Spring AOP), Thymeleaf, Hibernate, AWS, DynamoDB, Angular 12+, NodeJS, HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, GITHUB, Maven, EC2, S3, RDS, JSP tags, jQuery, Oracle 10g, Web services (REST, SOAP, WSDL), WebLogic Server, Junit, Log4j, Jenkins, Agile/Scrum (JIRA).

eCentric Solutions, Hyderabad, India Oct 2012 - Mar 2016
Role: Java Programmer
eCentric solutions private limited has grown phenomenally from a specialist in software development and support into an end-to-end IT solutions provider for Government of India, US Government and Fortune 500 companies. eCentric is primarily focused on offshoring solutions ranging from strategy consulting, business analysis, project management, software development, software implementation, maintenance and support.

Involved in SDLC requirements gathering, analysis, design, development and testing of applications developed using AGILE methodology.
Extensively used various Spring Framework modules like MVC, Dependency Injection (IOC), Auto Wiring, Spring Security and Spring AOP.
Created and injected spring services, spring controllers and DAOs to achieve dependency injection and to wire objects of business classes.
Expertise in using Core Java concepts like Multithreading, Concurrency, Exception Handling and Collections.
Used Webservices like REST, SOAP and WSDL to consume different services.
Participated in Creation of web pages using JSP, HTML, JSTL, JavaScript, Java Expressions and Java Sessions.
Worked on MongoDB database concepts such as locking, transactions, indexes, sharing, replication, schema design.
Hibernate DAO classes were developed to retrieve and save data using Spring framework manager classes.
Expertise writing services to store and retrieve user data from MongoDB for the application on devices.
Involved in Bug fixing and functionality enhancements.
Used MAVEN as a build tool to manage the project and deployed the application on WebLogic Portal server.
Worked on the documentation of the project and design.
Used JUnit for unit testing of the system and Log4J for logging.
Used SVN as the versioning tool.
Environment: Java, Eclipse, Spring Framework, HTML, JavaScript, JSP, MAVEN, MongoDB, WebLogic Portal Server, Hibernate, JSP, Apache Tomcat, SVN, Web Services (REST, SOAP), Junit, Agile/Scrum (RALLY).
Keywords: continuous integration continuous deployment quality analyst user interface message queue javascript sthree database information technology microsoft Georgia Missouri North Carolina Texas Virginia

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